OK, so we all agree the dead is tough Mentally. My question then is this. If you where to start your Squat or bench by taking the Eccentric phase out (off the pins at chest level or from the hole first off low pins) would there be any physical benefit to this other than overcoming the psychological/mental aspect of it ? Thanks for everyones time on this…
You would remove the stretch shortening cycle which would limit the weight you could use.
But could build strength off the chest I guess.
I wonder if it would be less stressful on the shoulders.
thank you for understanding the idea that I am wondering if eliminating the Stretch/shortening cycle would have ANY benefit ???
In my opinion, doing anything that makes a lift harder is great training for doing the lift the correct way as the lift becomes easier… i.e. deadlifts off a platform, below parallel box squats, etc… doing this would make it harder and, thus, would be beneficial.
Yes i know, very scientific…
[quote]killerDIRK wrote:
OK, so we all agree the dead is tough Mentally. My question then is this. If you where to start your Squat or bench by taking the Eccentric phase out (off the pins at chest level or from the hole first off low pins) would there be any physical benefit to this other than overcoming the psychological/mental aspect of it ? Thanks for everyones time on this…[/quote]
Pin presses aka DEAD benches build tremendous starting strength. This is no secret. Folks have been doing this for years. The Squat version even has a name, Anderson squats. Mr. Anderson would suspend a bar in chains and squat it up from the bottom position.
So to answer your question… they make you strong as f^*k.
I experimented with pin pressing for my press a bit a go, from about nose level. I just did pin presses instead of regular presses, and I got weaker.
My suggestion is if you do experiment with these movements, do them as accessory work after the normal movement. Check out some of the guy’s threads/training logs working with Josh Bryant, as I have seen dead squats worked into his programming as maybe the 1st or 2nd accessory lift.
If I ever do it again, that’s where I’m putting them in.
Personally, I’ve had better luck with pauses of varying time lengths.
Dead benches and anderson squats can definitely enhance the explosive nature of the exercise due to the lack of stretch reflex but it’s a double edged sword since the stretch reflex lends itself to the explosiveness. You also lose the benefit of correcting position and tightness due to no eccentric. They work great as assistance lifts but I personally wouldn’t use them to substitute the bench and squat.