Deadlift Form Breakthrough

In the past 8 weeks my deadlift has gone from 400 to 470+ with a simple change in form. My bodyweight, diet and all my other lifts have stayed the same, the only different thing is my form. In the past i had always pushed through the heels like youre supposed to and tried to use my glutes and hamstrings to bring the weight up. The deadlift had always been a lift id struggled with and progress on it had always been slow. Recently i thought to myself “I have strong quads…so why not push with my quads?” The results have been spectacular. At the start of the lift I simply push hard with my quads and the weight flies up. Just goes to show ya dont be afraid to experiment and challenge the status quo once in a while.

That’s an incredible change, congratulations. Do you lift sumo or conventional? Would you happen to have videos of your old form and new form?

I lift convential. Honestly there wouldnt be much of a visual difference between my old and new form. Its more of a mental thing of pushing with my quads. I dont push thru my heels anymore either, its more thru the balls of my feet. My heels obviously still stay planted on the ground. I also look DOWN so my upper back is slightly rounded like KOnstantinovs but not quite as much as him.

I apologize i am typing on an iphone so grammar and everything is not the best

Completely agree. The best tip I received was think of the dead as a leg press off the floor. It’s all quads to get it started.

[quote]Brian14 wrote:
…so why not push with my quads?" The results have been spectacular. At the start of the lift I simply push hard with my quads and the weight flies up. Just goes to show ya dont be afraid to experiment and challenge the status quo once in a while.[/quote]

From the floor to the knees has always been quad dominant. I’m glad you corrected your form issue; but you didn’t challenge the status quo…or go Star Treckking.