Dead/Squat Bar

Anyone on here use the Dead/Squat Bar. If so any feedback. Was thinking about buying one.

No but I have used a hex bar. I can’t see the “dead/squat” bar being much different. Yeah it’s got a cool looking grip and all but $500 is a lot of coin for a bar I can get much more reasonably priced elsewhere. I like black widow training gear bars FWIW. I have been balking on buying a dual grip hex bar from them now for a few months. $270 shipped by the way. got a 1.25 grip and a 2" grip. check out his FB page for pics if you are interested.

I have a trap bar (hex) and love it. Agree with strength dawg - would like to have a deadsquat because it is longer and would fit on a rack, but just so much more expensive than a bunch of conventional trap bars available out there. Kind of depends on what you want to use it for…if just dead s then trap bar is all you need , but if you want to do upper body the deadsquat is more versatile because of length and handles. Also can hold more plates if you are already strong on deads.

As someone who has used the original Gerard Trap bar, a “regular” hex bar, a bigger hex bar and the dead/squat bar - I feel I can adequately answer this question. There is a difference in the bars, namely the handles and how big the bar is. After doing some experimenting the hex bar is easier to use if you are smaller (for example, my wife can use the hex bar but the dead/squat bar is a little too big for her). The hex bar is way too small for me to fit in - I can still do it but it’s a tight fit and I’m hardly that big. The handles make it much more comfortable to use and using it for the press is great for volume work.

The knurling is also superior.