Dead horse

I know this is getting aggrevating, but I need to know. I just got in 3 bottles of tribex, which I have never taken before. I am currently 5 days into a several week ( I have not decided how long, probally 3-5 weeks) finasol(150mg/day) and androsol cycle. What I need to know is if I should take tribex the whole time or start taking it on the last week of the cycle and continue for a few weeks after. Any advice would be appreciated. Also, would methoxy-7 help with cortisol levels post cycle or would the tribex do just as well alone? Thanks.

Whenever your using steroids, legal or banned, use Tribex and Methoxy-7 ALL the time. Tribex helps keep your natural T levels up and Methoxy-7 provoids you with nitrogen retention equel to steroids, but