FYI, also has a women’s board with training journals.
This former figure competitor turned bodybuilder I believe uses DC and is a trainer:
Main issue I have seen in someone I know who did DC is joint injuries from lifting very heavy all the time. But it really depends on your body if it will work for you. You also need to lift with a partner some of the time because of the extreme intensity and need for spotters.
Tracy does in fact use DC, and is a great example of how the system can work for women.
Joint issues someone has to start taking some personal accountability, what do you as the individual need to train injury free? Well then do that. Some guys can not do 11-15RP… they need 20-30RP on nearly all movements. Some guys need to be wrapped up like a mummy to squat pain free. Some guys need 7 warmups to rack dead lift for 12 reps.
Women are generally going to be doing 12-20 rep staight sets or 15-30 rest pause… if someone is getting joint pain off of that they need to look at themselves and decide what’s wrong. Any hard training program is going to take its toll on the body over hte years… DC is not any better or worse. The extreme stretching though should help prevent many of the minor injuries people can get over time.
FYI, also has a women’s board with training journals.
This former figure competitor turned bodybuilder I believe uses DC and is a trainer:
Main issue I have seen in someone I know who did DC is joint injuries from lifting very heavy all the time. But it really depends on your body if it will work for you. You also need to lift with a partner some of the time because of the extreme intensity and need for spotters.
A ton (ha!) of powerlifters switch to DC and suddenly feel like little kids again, joint-wise.
It all comes down to being smart with your cruises and RP rep range etc.
All this has been addressed in pain-staking detail over and over again in the threads over at IM.
And no, there is absolutely no partner required if you actually do what you’re told to do
I just started this work out and I enjoy it quite a bit. Can’t wait to see the results after a full 4-6 weeks. All the information is there for you Waylanderxx you just have to browse around to find it.
Edit:Didn’t see that the website was posted before hand.
[quote]Fuzzyapple wrote:
waylanderxx wrote:
btw where do you guys find all the info on this DC style training? I may be interested in trying it at some point.
I just started this work out and I enjoy it quite a bit. Can’t wait to see the results after a full 4-6 weeks[/quote] Unless you’re chemically assisted, then blasts should last anywhere from 8-12 weeks or so… And you’ll get exactly that out what you put in. Bust your ass and be somewhat aggressive with the weight increases and stick to the system as it’s written… And eat a ton (taking measures against excessive fat gain depending on how lean you want to be/how fast you want to progress) and you’ll make some great gains fairly fast… Otherwise… [quote]. All the information is there for you Waylanderxx you just have to browse around to find it.
Edit:Didn’t see that the website was posted before hand.[/quote]
[quote]Fuzzyapple wrote:
waylanderxx wrote:
btw where do you guys find all the info on this DC style training? I may be interested in trying it at some point.
I just started this work out and I enjoy it quite a bit. Can’t wait to see the results after a full 4-6 weeks. All the information is there for you Waylanderxx you just have to browse around to find it.
Edit:Didn’t see that the website was posted before hand.[/quote]
Not trying to dog you or anything. Yet if you’ve only been training for a year like your profile says. Are you sure you have intensity down? Form down? Decent strength to benefit from the program?
oh and waylander you’re not advanced enough yet either…
LiveFromThe781 wrote:
“i mean as far as from what ive seen for natural female athletes youre gonna look the same no matter what program youre on.”
That’s a great answer. So she can follow a shit, irrational program and she’ll wind up looking just as good as if she followed a properly laid out one.
[quote]Cephalic_Carnage wrote:
A ton (ha!) of powerlifters switch to DC and suddenly feel like little kids again, joint-wise.
It all comes down to being smart with your cruises and RP rep range etc.
And no, there is absolutely no partner required if you actually do what you’re told to do
Thanks for the info. Just to clarify, I’ve never done DC – my comments were based on the one person I know who has done it and, after loving it and praising it, he wound up a long hiatus due to an elbow issue. That can happen to anyone, natch, and I agree that it prolly comes down, like most things, to being smart. He thought it was hard on the joints but one’s man’s (or chick’s) joint-killer is another man’s medicine, y’know?
I was also led to believe you need a partner for DC. Unless you are using machines, going to failure on say a rest-pause BP can be dangerous, no? (Says the girl who was once stupidly trapped under a bar in a near-empty gym . . .)
Training partners are a great asset and if someone has the choice they should use one. I
If you don’t have one you get to make good friends with the power rack, smith machine, or good machines so you can safely go to failure. Or you will need to grab a spotter and explain to him what a RP set entails each time.
[quote]Carlitosway wrote:
Fuzzyapple wrote:
waylanderxx wrote:
btw where do you guys find all the info on this DC style training? I may be interested in trying it at some point.
I just started this work out and I enjoy it quite a bit. Can’t wait to see the results after a full 4-6 weeks. All the information is there for you Waylanderxx you just have to browse around to find it.
Edit:Didn’t see that the website was posted before hand.
Not trying to dog you or anything. Yet if you’ve only been training for a year like your profile says. Are you sure you have intensity down? Form down? Decent strength to benefit from the program?
oh and waylander you’re not advanced enough yet either…
j/k homie:D
I know this wasn’t in response to me, but I’m wondering what sort of strength level a woman should have to benefit from this program? (if it can be defined in numbers at all)
[quote]Scott M wrote:
Foxen wrote:
Scott M wrote:
If a hypertrophy program works for men it’ll work for women. Dante has a handful(that he’s posted about) of women who train DC style although some things are changed slightly to suit a womans needs.
Let me know if you need help in that regard.
That’s what I had hoped.
Could you elaborate on how DC is modified for a womans needs?
This is generality and your individual goals and strong/weak points would need to be taken into play but MOST women are not in rapid muscle mass accumulation mode like guys are. If you are going for say a figure model look more cardio would be done, probably the 3 way split, some different rep ranges, etc. I’d love to go into more specifics but it really depends on what you want out of it and what you need. It’s not a static program… it evolves for the individual.
If you have the basic program concepts down feel free to email me and we can discuss this more, but if you are brand new to DC spend some time over at IM reading the principles and foundations before we go making your head spin.[/quote]
Thanks Scott - I have only started learning about it so I will definitely put my head down for a bit before bugging you about specifics…mostly started this thread to see if it was worth pursuing for myself at all
With what you said above in mind but, surely rapid muscle mass acculation is not possible for a natural female anyway?? I mean, if it was, surely anybody (male or female) would jump on board - accumulate muscle as fast as possible to desired level…cruise on…who wouldn’t want that?
Of course, “desired level” could probably only occur to women…what guy ever reaches the “desired level”?!
Well women are just not going to see the massive gains(unless on AAS) that a man would no matter the program. I mean gaining muscle mass at the fastest rate your genes/goals allow.
A point Dante used to illustrate the needs of women is…
Take Kate Moss and Anna Nicole Smith(she was still alive then) and both want that feminine figure girl type look.
Kate needs to be on the 2 way split RPing things as usual(high reps though)… cardio only as much as she needs.
Anna would be on the 3 way cardio-ing her ass off and lifting with straight sets to simply keep the muscle she already has, and if anything overtrain the legs to bring them down.
You sort of have to decide where on that spectrum you are and what needs to get done.
[quote]Scott M wrote:
His training seems to be working just fine for him. [/quote]
thing is I’ve followed a high my high volume approach for years now. Starting in the next 1-2 weeks when summer begins I will have to start working 40+ hrs/week so I doubt I can get 6 sessions in. I was looking for alternatives and DC seems to fit.
Plus doing the completely opposite of what I’ve normally done would probably trigger some great growth ya?
Either way I’m getting kind of bored doing the same old stuff, I’ve already started implementing some DC principles like widow makers, carb cutoffs, and to a degree the calves technique. I’ll just keep reading and I will probably give it a shot.
I spent like 3 hours reading the stickies at IM and the thread here last night (thanks adderall) it’s a pretty in depth program, I know I need to keep reading before I start anything. Some stuff is still pretty confusing
[quote]Scott M wrote:
Well women are just not going to see the massive gains(unless on AAS) that a man would no matter the program. I mean gaining muscle mass at the fastest rate your genes/goals allow.
i like how we can say the exact same thing but no one gives you shit for it.