Dbol as an anti-catabolic?

Is It possible to Use Dbol as a anti-catabolic steroid when on a low calorie diet. The reason should be not to loose any muscles of course, and I don’t care about the wather I would gain. If I was to take dbol, how much is maximum not to effect my natural testo production. Is 5-10mg/day enough, or will this dosage be to low? Thanks!

Please answear if you know if this is possible, really would help me a lot

Mrfox: I do not know the answer for sure, but I suspect that 5-10mg/day might be a bit low. Why not try Bill Roberts’ recommendation for orals and low inhibition by taking up to 40mg/day for 1-2 weeks, making sure the last dose is taken before noon or so?

Ok, where can I read about this then? Can’t find it by searching

Mrfox: Run a search by author and simply type in “Bill Roberts”. It will come up with quite a few posts, but the answer lies in there multiple times. You could also go to the mesomorphosis website and read all of the “Ask Bill Roberts” columns. It is mentioned in there as well. Hope this helps and if not let us know!

Mrfox, see “Your Post Bill + 2on/4off theory” post… Bill covered this topic very well on that post. check it out.