I recently read an interesting article about WR David Boston. For those who are unfamiliar with who he is, he is a WR in the NFL who has gone for 205lb to 260lb since 1999. Those that have seen him know he is an absolute freak. The article discussed how Boston may be getting to big for his own body. This comes from the fact that he had to sit out half of last year with a knee problem and he has already had five preseason injuries. Do you guys really think he is to big for his own body?
Here is a quote from the article: “I hear this all the time,” Boston told the magazine. ?People question me because my physique is totally different from everybody else’s in the league. What am I supposed to do? I pass every drug test. I eat the right things. I work out hard? Some people go to the movies; I like to lift weights and run. All I care about is my body. I take hot and cold contrast baths to flush my system out. I pay five grand to have a doctor test every pill I take. I watch my calorie intake. I take antioxidants. I eat egg whites and cottage cheese, lean steak with asparagus, protein shakes before and after practice, sushi and simple carbs at night like blueberries. I eat six, seven meals a day. Yeah, I’m over 250. But I’ll be 240 on opening day. I can lose weight any time I want."
Along with this, it says Boston “takes 90 pills a day and is administered 90-minute IV drips of magnesium and minerals, ESPN the Magazine reported.”
Are you kidding me?!?!? This guy is out of control. Tell me he is not juicin.
If you are interested in the whole article, here is the link.
I read the article in The Mag as soon as it arrived. DB is yoked up fo’ shizzle, and I think it’s awesome. He’s redefined his role at his position. He openly admits that he’s not an every down receiver.
As far as the gains in size and strength that DB is making, whilst retaining speed and gaining power, yep, they’re amazing. I think it’s awesome.
I mentioned on a separate thread that I am really intrigued by David’s progress and would like to learn more about David’s nutrition and supplementation and training programs, as well as more about Coach Ian Danney.
The only problem I have with David Boston is the fact that Cheifs have to play him twice a year. I think he is going to do some outlandish receiving this season. I mean who can cover him. He has the size of a line backer and speed of a wide out. Spells trouble. As for to big for his body I dont think he is. I think he is just one of the few at the forefront of the new NFL. You gotta respect those guys that are taking every step to further their career and are true students of their nutrition and training.
Heres my opinion. Most elite athletes are freaks. If they do everything right, like hes doing, they are gonna get effects that we think are unreal. He may or not be clean. I dont know. I have somewhat inside information that says not all of his guys are clean but ive heard others with inside info say the guys they knew were clean.
On the injury issue. Every NFL football player has offseason surgery at one time or another. Steve McNair has had offseason surgery every year except for this one i believe. Hes not too big for his body. This is coming from a media that doesnt know anything about the human body or how it works. They have journalism degrees, not Kinesiology degrees. Take what they say with a grain of salt.
Boston has only played healthy for a very good season once since joining the NFL. He missed most of this camp and the preseason with nagging injuries.
This guy has one very good year and everyone thinks he is revolutionizing the position. Give me a break. There are at least 10 NFL WR playing right now that I would take before David Boston. Hell, even Jerry Rice, an old man, is more reliable than Boston! Boston seems to be as fragile as Fred Taylor, but as an RB, Taylor takes more of a beating than Boston.
There is more to playing WR in the NFL than biceps.
He may or may not prove to be a good pro, but one season does not a great player make. And this guy is hurt all the time. He is big and fast, but if he can’t play because he is winded or hurt, who gives a shit?
If you want to admire a guy with a great physique AND a proven track record, look at TO - he is big, fast and plays all the time.
I agree that Owens is also a freak, a freak that can play the game at that. As far as Boston goes, I just don’t think he can hack it in the NFL. Like one of you mentioned, there is more than big biceps to playing WR in the NFL. I think the nagging injuries are a sign that either Boston is very injury prone or he hasn’t conditioned his body to be an elite athlete, rather a bodybuilder. Guys like Romonawski who are just as finatical about their bodies don’t seem to be bothered these injuries. After all, Romo has never missed a game in his NFL career.
I agree that most guys go through surgery at one time or another. However, in my opinion these are the guys taking beatings on the field. Have you ever seen some of the hits that McNair takes? Boston’s injuries are not from contact. They are things like strains, pulls, tears etc.
On the subject of fantasy football, who thinks Boston is a top 10 WR? top 15? top 20?
Sorry to bring this topic up again guys, I didn’t realize it had been discussed before. I just have my fantasy draft coming up and I don’t want to waste a pick on a guy who may not play half the season.
Fantasy-wise, I would put him in the top 20 WR. Probably somewhere between 17-20 (WR not overall) depending on the scoring system used.
In the fantasy realm, another thing besides injuries you have to consider is who is throwing him the ball. Brees in a very young QB and it normally takes QBs a few years to really put it all together. Is this the year for Brees? Could be. They have the O-line and the RB to help take some of the pressure off, but just as Boston’s fantasy value relies a lot on Brees, Brees’ fantasy value relies a lot on Boston.
For my fantasy money, if I were looking for some WRs to slide that may have a nice season, I would look at: Koren Robinson, Chad Johnson, Jerry Porter, Quincy Morgan or Ashley Lelie (this guy has looked awesome during the pre-season). Good fantasy owners will already have these guys on their charts, but depending who is in your league, you might get one of these guys as a steal as a mid-round pick.