“to catch a predator” is now my current favorite show on tv.
my all time favorite is still “the knife show” on the shopping channel where that drunk guy is sticking swords into tree stumps trying to sell you few hundred knives for 50 bucks.
“to catch a predator” is now my current favorite show on tv.
my all time favorite is still “the knife show” on the shopping channel where that drunk guy is sticking swords into tree stumps trying to sell you few hundred knives for 50 bucks.
It is a great show,
kind of disturbing that they can just have episode after episode though.
Anyone else notice the tub of protein in the background?
True Story: I get home late from a track meet one friday night around 1:00AMish and MSNBC is running a marathon of this show…so the buddies and I get to talking about how hilarious(in an albeit sick way) it would be if someone we knew got caught in one of these stings. Well sure enough the next morning I’m walking out of the cafeteria and my football coach shows me the front page of the Allentown Morning Call and lo and behold some kid that was in my physics class last semester got nailed by an undercover cop posing as a 12 yr old girl.
I like the fact that the cops tackle the molester regardless if he resists or not. At least a little justice done.
My favorite is when the fake cop shoots the actor pretending to be a predator with a stun gun. Now that is funny.
theres a website that has all the sex offenders for the county you live in, i bealive its meganslaw.com
duno if its an old thing but pretty scary to see how man pervs live around me.
sorry but regardless of what you think about the show, you can’t possibly believe that that Chris Hansen is anything other than a doucher
[quote]belligerent wrote:
sorry but regardless of what you think about the show, you can’t possibly believe that that Chris Hansen is anything other than a doucher
did you watch the vid ? he’s so far beyond doucher it’s absurd !! the best comedy comes when people take themselves soooo seriously.