Stats: 2012.
age: 26.
BW: 60kg.
height: 175cm.
current best lifts:
Bench: 8x72,5kg, 11x65kg, 10x67,5kg, 1x80kg.
deadlift: 8x92,5kg( double overhand ) 6x97,5kg( mixed grip ), 5x100kg ( mixed grip ), 4x102,5kg ( double overhand grip ) 1x115kg( double overhand ) 1x120kg( mixed grip )
squat: 5x62,5kg, 8x60kg, 3x65kg.
press: 11x37,5kg, 9x40kg, 6x45kg, 4x47,5kg. ( all time best: 3x50kg, but thats many years ago )
Go to the last pages to see the training for 2012.
Ps. please dont laugh to hard of my weak ass lifting, but I understand if you must laugh some, but do so in moderation