Dairy question

I’ve read a number of posts and people have mentioned that dairy can stop fat loss.

I’m not talking about drinking milk which is loaded with carbs and sugar. I’m not talking about cheese which is high in fat.

I want to know about fat free cottage cheese. Have any of you had difficulty losing fat having this dairy food in your diet?

Also if there are any articles or threads that already addressed it would you please let me know. I’m curious because my fat loss is slow and I eat cottage cheese 1 meal a day. I’m wondering if this could be hindering my progress.



I’m curious because my fat loss is slow and I eat cottage cheese 1 meal a day. I’m wondering if this could be hindering my progress.

There are many theories but the simplest way to find out is to change nothing else, stop the cottage cheese, and see if you lose weight.

I’ve had some people say that dairy keeps you from getting really cut, if that’s what you’re after, but I don’t know about that. Just for grins, I did a bodybuilding show back in 2001. I usually ended my day with a cup of FF cottage cheese for some slow digesting protein through the night. Didn’t seem to keep me from losing fat. Had “the abs” and everything. But that’s just how it went for me. Everyone’s metabolism is different.

I drink skim milk and eat non-fat yogurt with grow and havent had any problems during my cutting cycle. Have you tried Carb Countdown? It doesnt have all the carbs as regular milk and double the protein.

Well Hello all.

The whole dairy thing again huh.

Well like all other aspects it is very individual. You simply have to cut it out and see for yourself.

Most of the problem seems to comes for some people not being able to get to VERY low BF% with dairy. Though in some it will simply slow any fat loss. Others could eat nothing but dairy for their protein and be fine.

I say if you consume a lot of dairy from any source, and your cutting cycle has slowed, it is worth a try. Cut the dairy for a couple weeks and find out.

I personally limit it a little when cutting, but dont seem to have a problem with it.

It is all about finding what effects you. Just remember that the carbs in milk are preferential to being stored in fat cells (supposedly) and not muscle for what it is worth.

Hope this helps some how.


Not sure if it’s my imagination or not, but I seem to hold an extra pound or so of water when I’m drinking milk on a regular basis. Milk does have a decent amount of sodium in it so that might be the reason. Of course, that would only be of concern if you’re looking to get very-low BF and get that “dry” look also. At that point every ounce of water you’re holding counts.

I am a fat free cottage cheese fiend. I find that as long as my cottage cheese and dairy consumption stays within the overall dietary standards I set for myself (macronutrient breakdown/ overall kcal consumption/ nutrient timing) I can consume diary without without any problem.

However, I do stay away from drinking milk because liquid calories do no satiate me.

Cottage cheese goes great with granola, fruit, protein powder, as a spread on whole grain bread, oatmeal, cinnamon etc. Mix and match all of these for some great menu options.

PS. A great P+F meal is tuna with garlic mayo. So good.

Thanks guys,

I’m thinking dairy in the form of cottage cheese wouldn’t effect my goals. I’m not out to get super ripped I just want to get to 10% BF. More specifically I want to get down to 240 as it is a weight class for power lifting. This will get me fairly cut while maintaining my strength.

I imagine eating cottage cheese before bed every other day wouldn’t hurt me.

thanks for the responses.
