What would be the best way to cycle 100 Dbol? Would only 100 be worthless?
Okay, to begin…NO steroid is EVER useless! Please remember that Next, the best way to take the 100 oral Dianabol is to take 4 tablets 1.5-3 hours prior to training (I’ve had the most success at 1.5 hours prior to training). This has been studied and shown more succcessful than taking divided doses throughout the day. Take these 4 tablets Mon-Fri, and abstain on the weekends. This 5 week cycle will give you great results (though you must understand that your gains will be a fair amount of water). As well, due to the fact that DBol is a stronger androgen, I would STRONGLY recommend taking Clomid (50mg/every other day during your DBol cycle and 2 weeks following) to combat gyno and to help bring your T levels up afterthe cycle ends. Good luck and happy growing.
1.5-3hrs pre-training - where exactly has this been studied? 20mg/day of D-bol = 140mg/week will be suppressive, but not yield too much gains IMO…As per Bill Roberts, you can reduce inhibition by ingesting in the morning and at noon only. This 1.5hrs pre-training I’m not so sure about, though. If it were me - and with nothing else than the D-bol - 40mg/day in divided dosages for 12 days.
I am going to have to agree with Borge on this one. I have never heard anything about 1.5-3 hours before working out. I would like to see the study on that. I split the doses in half and take the first half before 10am and the second half around 4pm. I would not start a cycle with only a hundred dbol. I would try to accumulate around 300 pills. If you are going to start with only 100 I would take 4 a day for 25 days. But as I said, I wouldn’t start a cycle with 100, maybe if I was staking it.
Dude, I would take 5 a day and spread them out. I did that before and it lasted about 3 weeks and I gained 10 pounds.