Cycle Results

I haven’t posted on this board for awhile. Partly because I’ve been busy in the weight room and partly because I’ve been busy with life in general. Well, three weeks ago to this day, I started my first cycle. 500mg/week of Sustanon for 8 weeks and 25mg/day of Dbol for the first trhee weeks. I started at a bodyweight of 188 lbs. and now I’m 208 lbs. My stomach is an ich bigger but I have experienced no bloating from the dbol. I expect to be 225 by the end of the cycle for a 37 lb. gain. I’m hoping to keep 30 lbs. of that 37. My strength has also shot up. I can do my old max deadlift of 315 for six reps. My six rep barbell curls have gone up 20 lbs. I’m eager to see what will happen in the next few weeks. I want to thank Brock for his advice and the few people who supported my decision to use gear at such an early age. I have experience ZERO side effects. Except for the Clomid has definitely increased my ejaculation volume by at least 200%. I’ll keep the board informed on how I turn out.