I’m new to the site. It is an awesome site full of info. I wish it was around when I was younger.
I did my first cycle when I was 22(anadrol)pretty hard one for the first one, young and stupid. I read up on “the shit” a little bit. I wish I did more reading, I would of been more better prepaired. I was young and foolish. After that cycle I waited a while before doing another, cyp x deca.
Took off about 2 years then did just deca. Then some premo and d-bols a couple of months later. I have not done anything for eight years. Thinking about doing one more… I have kept most of my muscle, did not srink too much. I’m very active and work out 3-4 times a week nothing heavy, just maintaining. I train JujuTsu and kickboxing as well.
I’m looking to do a “soft cycle” I guess you would say, nothing to harsh. LOL
I’m thinking of masteron, deca or gh? Don’t know which. Not looking to get huge again. Any suggestions?
I appologize for the rambling. To the younger guys on this board… do your homework and learn as much as you can. I wish the info here was readly avaiable for me when I was younger. Shit…there wasn’t any internet back then. Danm I getting old.
I’d try a 4-6 week Test Prop (400-700mg/wk EOD) cutting cycle considering mass is not what you’re after. You could add in some tren ace. for a harder look but know it’ll affect your endurance. However the masteron would stack well with the test.
And if pinning yourself ED or EOD is not what you want then switch to one of the long test ester. Just make sure you’ve got the proper PCT/diet down.
I’m curious as to why you are deciding to go with masteron, deca or gh? Is it because that’s whats available to you?
I appreciate the info. You will have to have patience with me, I do not know th terms Test prop, Tren ace, test ester, ed, eod or PCT.
I know I would not use the tren ace if it takes away endurence.
I wrote masteron because I have a buddy who used it years back. He had good results with it and read it was used for people with cancer and aids. Helps them gain their strength and immune system. It sounds safe.
I used Deca twice once with Ciponate and once by itself. I really liked i.t When I used it by itself because it made my muscle feel real hard and tight, plus it helped with my joint pain (had a lot of broken bones and injuries).
I wrote about the GH because another buddy just used it and he said it was great and he looks awesome, he used with a testosterone, I dont know which one.
I will choose one soon, but I need to do some homework. I don’t want to make the same mistakes I made when I was younger.
I appreciate the info. You will have to have patience with me, I do not know th terms Test prop, Tren ace, test ester, ed, eod or PCT.
I know I would not use the tren ace if it takes away endurence.
I wrote masteron because I have a buddy who used it years back. He had good results with it and read it was used for people with cancer and aids. Helps them gain their strength and immune system. It sounds safe.
I used Deca twice once with Ciponate and once by itself. I really liked i.t When I used it by itself because it made my muscle feel real hard and tight, plus it helped with my joint pain (had a lot of broken bones and injuries).
I wrote about the GH because another buddy just used it and he said it was great and he looks awesome, he used with a testosterone, I dont know which one.
I will choose one soon, but I need to do some homework. I don’t want to make the same mistakes I made when I was younger.
Thanks Again,
I am not trying to flame here but you need to do a lot more homework. An ester is what is mixed with the drug to extend its half-life (how long it will remain active in the body). Prop (propionate) and ace (acetate) are examples of short esters and require injections at least EOD (every other day). ED is obviously every day.
PCT is Post Cycle Therapy which is arguably the most important part of a cycle. PCT is what is done after cycle to bring your endogenous test levels back to normal ASAP.
I hope this helps a little but for more just use the search button and check out the steroid newbie thread.
I totally understand, that’s why I’m here to learn more. I’m glad I was referred to this site. Very informative and people like yourself,Chuy and many others to help others out. Hopfully I can return the favor to some in my shoes one day.
With the PST, what should I use and what amounts? I did not use this years back…STUPID!
For PCT a lot of bros are using both clomid and nolvadex for 3-4 weeks. Some are using 300mg clomid on day 1, 100mg for 13 more days and then 50mg for another 2 weeks. The nolvadex can be used at 40mg for 2 weeks followed by 20mg for 2 weeks. I believe Mikekatz, who knows a hell of a lot, does 2 weeks of clomid followed by 2 weeks of nolvadex. I can't remember his exact dosages, hopefully he will jump in.
When you begin PCT is also extremely important. With Deca you need 3 weeks after your last shot, test cyp or enan requires 2 weeks while test prop or tren ace only need 2 days. These are just a few common examples.
Any of the pros out there please correct my mistakes so burzerk and I can keep on learning.
I tried to find a profile on the mentioned AAS(propionate and acetate)on the Bill Roberts site. Do they have other names? I wanted to know more about them if I consider one of two.
Testosterone Propionate is considered a fast acting testosterone due ti effects beginning in about 1 day. The drug reportedly has all the benefits of other testosterones(strength and mass increases, increased training aggression, fast post-training recovery) but caused a distinctly lower level of water retention. Users noted an increased muscle pump and increased appetite after one to two days of administration.Even with a high rate of aromatization, propionate did not cause gyno as often as other test esters. Active half life is 2-3 days and average reported dosage is 50-200mg daily.
Trenbolone acetate has an active-life of about 2 days. Since it is short acting, most male BB inected 1-3ml every 1-2 days. THough some did use as much as 120mg daily. Administration seldom exceeded 6 weeks. This drug was often used for its hardening effects and questionable fat metabolizing qualities(though rainjacks cycle kinda showed some). The drug is highly androgenic, does not aromatize, and it remains anabolic even in a low calorie/high protein enviroment. The strength gains and post-training recovery realized during administration was remarkable. Quality lean mass gains were considered to be excellent and superior to those experienced from masteron or deca. Tren Ace is highly liver and kidney toxic. For this reason athletes reportedly consumed at least one gallon of water daily during use and used milk thistle during and after cycles. Gyno was not a problem with tren since the drug cant readily convert to estrogen, prolonged or high dosage was said to lead to dark urine and in some cases blood in urine.
I hope this helped with some information. We are all here to help so whatever we can do to help you learn more feel free to ask.
Test Prop is Test, plain and simple. The ester does not cause a change on how the hormone effects the body, just the release of the hormone into the body. Quoting that Test Prop has less incidence of gyno than other Tests is wrong. The only difference is that it is more easy to remedy due to the clearance times. This may be why that study had those findings.
Tren can cause gyno. It has been reported. It has an affinity for the progesterone receptor. The occurence is more rare than other compounds, but even more caution should be taken when used with hormones that have marked estrogenic activity.