Hi guys. I’m 21 on the 20th of this month. I have been training 3 years for bodybuilding, 7 years total for athletic purposes. I am 225 lbs. at 13% bodyfat. My key lifts are front squats at 255x5, db bench at 120sx6, and pullups at 50x2 (50 lbs+my 210).
I have never used any steroids other than epistane. I gained a little under 20 lbs. of weight with this compound on a cycle of 20,30,30,40 and PCT of Nolva at 40,40,20,20. I retained all of my gains and continued increasing in weight, and now I sit at my 225 lbs. I have read that many people lose the gains they acquire while using orals, but I must be one lucky bastard.
At any rate, I have had blood tests taken multiple times during the year which show free test at 31+ picogram/mL. I have been told by the doctor that this is unusually high, but my estradiol level is also high at an astounding 94 picograms/mL.
Maybe too much information, but I think you guys can handle it.
My first goal is to try out Bill Roberts 2 on/4 off cycle, but instead bump the off time down to 2 week, instead of the proposed/tests 4. For what reason? Pure experimentation.
I’m planning on Test Prop at 500 mg/w.
Week 1: Test Prop 70 mg ED + Letrozole at 0.36 mL/d
Week 2: Test Prop 70 mg ED + Letrozole at 0.36 mL/d
Week 3: Nolva at 120 first day, 20 mg/d for the next 6.
Week 4: Nolva at 20mg/d
I will repeat this 4 more times, each one after the other.
Reason for Test Prop is that no other test will act fast enough. Another reason is that Test is the backbone of a man’s hormonal system, and that is what I want coursing through my veins most.
Letrozole is to control my E2 levels (I have pubertal gyno) and the Nolva is at 20mg/d because the fast rebound should not require the full 40/d, but instead the front load should cover me. I think. This is my biggest worry.
My goal is to put on as much mass as possible without too much shutdown. 500 mg/w seems reasonable.
ED shots might be a bit much though. What about EOD? Any opinions on that with Prop? I know it has a 2 day halflife, so it seems my blood levels would drop very low by the second day.