First off, I want to put a few things out there.
Gym history - 6 years 3-4 days a week(a few months here and there off due to chronic pinched nerves in my back)
Diet - Could be a little better but better than most guys I’ve trained with(TONS of boneless skinless chicken breasts, fruits, veggies)…working on cleaning it up even more
Lifts(I don’t max) - BENCH 225x10 SQUAT 300x50(without reracking) DEAD 300x50(enough of a pause to regrip and set for the pull)
Turning 27 this year, played football growing up(defensive tackle…I’m a pretty big guy). I know plenty about gear from researching the last year and a half and talking to some of my boys who have cycled for up to 9 years. Now, I know I’m not a beast by any means nor do I want to come off like that. There is always someone stronger, faster, more built.
Anyway, with that out of the way I had a few questions. When I finally do get around to doing a cycle, I’d like to know a little bit more about PCT(I’ve read up on it but it seems that 9/10 people would give slightly different advice).
I was wondering if there were a protocol of sorts for a TEST E cycle at around 500-600mg a week. I was also wondering if I should just stick with TEST E or if I should add something in for a bit of a boost for the first few weeks.
Being that I’m a big guy and have been for quite a few years, my cardio is horrible(even when concentrating on it…up to 2 hours of recumbant bike 3 times a week). I was wondering what some of you guys thought would be better, cycle the TEST E/deca or dbol or drol or do something like T3/clen with maybe 250mg of TEST E a week to retain muscle mass while cutting. I’m just curious as to what you would do, open to suggestions and feedback(positive or negative).
Thanks in advance.