Need some advice. I just started my first cycle in 13 years. My stats are 5’10" 188lbs and 13% BF. My goals after the five week cycle are, increased strength and mass along with a 2-3% reduction in BF. I am taking 1 gram of Test. Enanthate / week divided into two doses. I will start clomid at the end of the 2nd week. My question is will my currently daily intake of 2500-3000 calories at a breakdown of 60% protein 35% fat and 5% carbs provide me with an anabolic environment to reach my goals? I am performing cardio 3X/week X 30 minutes each time. Weights 5-6 days / week. Been training for 17 years. Thanks for the help.
I think you should consume more carbohydrates. Try eating a small apple 20 minutes before you workout and some glutamine. After a workout consume 60-70g of simple carbohydrates with an equal amount of protein, 30g of glutamine, 20g of creatine, a potassium supplement or salt substitute with a mixture of NaCl and KCl, 600-1000mg of Alpha Lipoic Acid or better, metformin, and absolutely no fat. 2-3 hours later consume 20-30g of complex carbs with some protein and flax oil. Non-workout days should be aroung 50g of carbs. Eat 2.5g of protein per lb of bodyweight, 1g of fat per lb of bodyweight, and adjust as you increase in size. This will be what increases your calories. All or most of you fat intake, 70%+, should come from EFA’s like udo’s choice, hemp oil, or flax oil and be with your preworkout meals. The cardio is not really necessary but if you must, do it on “nonworkout” days. This will increase your calories by about a 1000, roughly 21 calories per lb of bodywieght. This may seem too much but on low carbohydrate diets it is hard to gain muscle unless you eat a great deal of calories. I will be happy to answer any more questions you have as well.
Sorry, can’t help you with the calories but, I was going to start the same exact cycle in three months(After I finish 12 weeks to super strength). Please could you post results.
Boy, I should say to eat at LEAST 3000 cal/day when doing a cycle considering you’re 188lbs. You definitely need more carbs with a gram of test/week. Especially after your workout. Try reading Tom Incledon’s “Get big diet for Body Builders”. I’m using it and not juicing right now, and it’s great, I’ve actually lost about 2% and gained 4lbs in 3 weeks. And lastly, since you’re juicing, I still think you’re overtraining with 6 days of weights and 3 days of cardio. Personally, 5 days of weights is enough, remember you still need recovery time. Cardio is not a magic fat loss exercise. You’ll actually burn more calories all day just from weights alone. You should be leaning out on Test anyway. lastly, I hope you’re either using Clomid with the Test, or you’ll be sorry when you’re cycle is over.
Thanks for the input. I figured I wasn’t eating enough, but wanted to make sure. I will also up the carbs. Yep, using clomid after the 2nd week. I will post my results. Thanks again
Up the calories to 5000 or so and up the carb intake a lot. No need to train 5-6 days/week. Even with the steroids that’s overtraining. Exactly how much mass do you want to gain?? You didn’t really specify in your post.
I am looking for mass gain in the range of 10-15lb’s of LBM while cutting a litle BF (2-3%). Am looking more so to increase my strength levels. I will stack the Test. w/ Trenbolone in my next cycle, which should significantly increase strength. I worry that increasing my calories to 5000/day will put on too much fat. I am 37 years old, so my metabolism is not what it used to be.
I can’t see you getting fat by eating 5000 calories so long as your calories come from clean and healthy foods. However, you might look fat from all the water you’ll be holding. Also, if you’re really looking to lose bodyfat while gaining just some lbm (10-15 lbs.) I would think that there are better choices than plain ol’ testosterone. I mean, I think by doing 1 gram of T every week you’re going to pack on quite a bit of muscle unless you restrict calories severly. I suggest switching to something else instead of the T enanthate (possibly winstrol, fina, anavar, or primo) or if all you have is the T, just use it, eat a whole bunch of food, train hard, and then after your cycle focus on losing bodyfat. Good luck JRR.