Hey guys I’m 23 weigh about 180lbs and looking to jump on a cycle. Not my first cycle I’ve taken super dmz 3.0 before pros were banned and honestly was surprised with the great results I got. Also I’ve cycled test cyp, that’s basically why I’m here I bought the test and I had no results at all I could tell about a month in it was bunk.
I’m looking to jump on a pretty hard core cycle from what I’ve been reasearching and expensive, I don’t want to waste money on bunk stuff again. Sustanon , anadrol and trends ace is what I’m looking to.get . And I good side affect drug for that cycle. I have trouble with acne and gyno. So if I could get some advise and if nolvadex would be strong enough. Thank you
Ok? How am I not educated enough to be doing this??? All I was asking is for a good site to get legit stuff. because I have tried to do it myself and it didn’t work. How did you end up getting your stuff your first time? probably asked people if they knew where to get it. that’s all I’m doing.
I’ll help you out since I was once helpless myself with no one to point me in the right direction.
What you need to know is that to approach someone in the gym, there is a standard procedure to state your intentions. First, you need to make eye contact, usually with, as stated above, the biggest guy there. Once that is done, you follow it up with a wink, flash a quick smile and make a conspicuous motion towards the men’s room. If he does not follow, that means trust has not been established, which means he needs to hear the secret code. At that point, walk straight up to him and say the following words exactly as written: “I’ve got a Golden Ticket.” Then you may ask to see his merchandise.
[quote]dt79 wrote:
I’ll help you out since I was once helpless myself with no one to point me in the right direction.
What you need to know is that to approach someone in the gym, there is a standard procedure to state your intentions. First, you need to make eye contact, usually with, as stated above, the biggest guy there. Once that is done, you follow it up with a wink, flash a quick smile and make a conspicuous motion towards the men’s room. If he does not follow, that means trust has not been established, which means he needs to hear the secret code. At that point, walk straight up to him and say the following words exactly as written: “I’ve got a Golden Ticket.” Then you may ask to see his merchandise.
Good luck and I hope you get what you need.[/quote]
just to add to this: you need to be dressed correctly or the guy won’t take you seriously.
You need to be wearing the lowest cut stringer vest you can find, have a baseball cap on (worn backwards, obviously), a weightlifting belt and weightlifting gloves. This will show you’re serious about your gym efforts.
[quote]Logan4214 wrote:
Ok? How am I not educated enough to be doing this??? All I was asking is for a good site to get legit stuff. because I have tried to do it myself and it didn’t work. How did you end up getting your stuff your first time? probably asked people if they knew where to get it. that’s all I’m doing. [/quote]
You’re breaking the rules of this site by asking for a source. Nobody here found their source by asking for one on here. Otherwise, you could have searched old threads and found one. THIS IS NOT A SOURCE BOARD.
As others have said, there are other ways to go about it.
That being said, your problem is not sourcing anyway. Your problem is that you do not know enough about steroids to be using them. That’s a much bigger issue.