Cycle Advice? Trenbolone Blend 200mg and Test E 300mg

Im about to start a tren blend 200mg and test e 300mg cycle.
Looking for recommendations on length of cycle and dosage amounts. 1st tume running these compounds.
Not 1st cycle though, and i have used tren before but not the blend. Cheers

If you have already used these compounds, you should know what works for you. What type of answer are you looking for? Itā€™s not like we can tell you specific ratios if youā€™re using a blend.

You ask for dosage and length, but thatā€™s not a question you should be asking when looking to use tren. This sounds like you havenā€™t done your homework enough to use such a toxic compound.


I wonā€™t recommend cycle dosages but I can tell you youā€™re going to get PIP like hell if thats per ml dosage.

Ive used tren a before not tren e or the blend, and this is a forum to ask questions mate kinda like homework, if ya got nothing to say that will help the page or questions being asked feel free not to comment mate

You have used before and that is what you look like? You need to learn to eat and train first.

Iā€™ve got a few. What are you looking like currently? Pic without face says a lot. What are your lifts (1RM or other) for the compound lifts. Describe diet and training. The answer to your original question will depend a lot on your answers to these questions.

I ask these questions, because Tren is a harsh compound, and IMO should only be utilized by those that need it to get to a high level (physique or strength). Why sacrifice health and long term looks (mostly balding) for a temporary look or strength level, unless that look or strength level is noteworthy.

Correct, consider i started a fat truck driver at 115kg living on takeaway food ive cime along way mate.

Thatā€™s doesnā€™t tell me anything other than you have a tendency to live slovenly. I hate it when people come on here and say I used to be a fat ass so now look at me. So what? I mean kudos for turning your life around but you shouldnā€™t have been there in the first place. ā€œHi, I used to kill people but I donā€™t anymoreā€¦ wanna be friends?ā€ Me: ā€œNoā€

Answer @mnben87 questions and you may get valuable feedback. Just not from me.

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I also asked a question. The question I asked and the statements I made are to get you to think. You should already know the answer to your own question about dosage and length if you have run these compounds before. How can any of us give you a better response than you can for yourself if you already know how you respond?

And if you donā€™t know, these are the types or questions to ask before you make a purchase, especially a purchase of a blend


Hahah sorry i forgot you was born a greek god. And if ya hate posts like mine do yourself and everyone else on here that reads the post a favour and not comment. Quite a simple way really. Have a great day mate.

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Iā€™m pretty sure people enjoyed my commentsā€¦ really sure actually. Hell I didnā€™t even make fun of your physique because Iā€™m not like that. Just your statement and rhetoric, itā€™s BS. Maybe youā€™re socially challenged but perhaps YOU havenā€™t realized your less than warm reception here. Keep on telling us all how your personal rules for replying are. Iā€™m sure we will listen.


Hahah what a clown

Iā€™m not even going to grace you with a response to that. If you seriously want help do yourself a favor. Clean up your act and answer the questions ask. Help comes to those that earn it. Answer the relevant questions and someone here will likely provide you some valuable insight.

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Ask away mate? You did nothing but shoot me down because im nit jacked as you

Here are the questions above.

What ester? Ace?

Depends on ester of Tren.

You are locked in on your ratio of test to tren. What dosage amounts did you run before? I mean you donā€™t have a lot of options here. If your body isnā€™t used to large doses or harsh compounds you could choose to go 1ml a week splitting the pins. If you are a novice you could do 1.5-2ml a week splitting the pins. If youā€™re full on beast mode you could go more. Its a personal choice of risk/reward and history. Pinning will be based on what ester the tren is.

At this point itā€™s obvious @Benji1610 just wants us to sit back and marvel at how cool he is and how his blend will make him jacked and lean as fuck.

He clearly doesnā€™t want help, just validation


Can you describe what is in the blend and what proportions?

Based on the tone of your responses, Iā€™m not entirely sure jumping on Tren is the best idea. This has nothing to do with ā€˜how jacked you areā€™, and everything to do with your tendencies to be an inflammatory toolā€¦ Tren wonā€™t make those tendencies any better.

You still havenā€™t posted a physique picture or stats, so you make it difficult for anyone to want to advise you.


I think this is pretty accurate for most steroids. They can enhance who you already are. Tren seems to be an outlier, in that it will enhance who you already are, plus it can turn an otherwise pleasant guy into an ass. If someone is already an ass natty, I wouldnā€™t want to deal with them on Tren.