Hey dudes,
Wondering what you reckon about this recomp cycle.
Current stats:
27M, 84kg (5-6kg is likely water weight from the test), 182cm, around 18-20% body fat - have had a dexa done previously.
Goal: 12% body fat with increase in muscle mass.
On and off lifting for 7+ years but never made great progress because of inconsistency and poor diet etc. Probably crashed my metabolism from 6+ months of running a 1200kcal diet lol.
First 4 week of cycle was purely 400mg Test E (E3d injection) and 25mg Proviron
Bloods showed things were not too bad. Free test was 2100ng/dl and E2 was 100 mg/dl (good ratio apparently). No E2 sides.
I calculated my maintenance calories to be around 2300kcal (strict tracking with scale - only ear 3 different types of foods as Im a Carnivore so it was easy). Waist stayed fairly constant at 2500kcal a day intake but muscle increased slowly.
Currently about to head into week 7 of cycle. Total length of cycle is 16 weeks.
From week 5 the cycle is:
600mg Test E
500 Primobolan
0.25 Arimidex E2d
25mg Proviron ED
40mg Anavar ED (for 4 weeks) then going to take a 1 month break before restrating for last few weeks of cycle.
Milk Thistle, Fish oil (3 tablets daily), Mg, Vit D, Creatine
Doing bloods in another 3 weeks (4-5 weeks after starting Primo and Var)
Cutting calories to around 1800kcal a day (with slight increase in cardio) to run a 800-1000kcal deficit to get rid of blubber.
Your already half way into it. You should have asked 8 weeks ago before you started.
1-Recomp is all diet/macros. It’s running a fine line between maintenance and deficit.
2-Your not gonna drop 8%-10% BF on a recomp in 16 weeks.
This is not recomp, it’s a cut. I don’t think your grasping a recomp. This is done when you are already muscled to strip off a bit of fat.
You are 5’11 and 185lbs. At 20% your LBM is 148. You have barely any muscle on your frame.
1-Your diet plan is not great. You need to make small drops.
2-See above. Cycle isn’t ideal but your half way through it so no sense in making any changes. I would consider dropping it and coming off.
My honest opinion.
Your on the wrong track. You need to learn how to eat and train. You don’t need drugs to diet as your BF is high enough that you don’t have to worry about losing muscle.
Get down to 12-14%bf. In that time get your diet/training figured out and then start building some muscle.
Start a training/diet log. Tag me. There are many on here who would be will to help.
You won’t lose 1/3 of your BF while increasing muscle mass significantly even with steroids. Building muscle takes a caloric surplus, while shedding fat requires a deficit. Try one at a time.
Steroids are not a magic bullet for permanent muscle gain, it’s temporary. If you continue this lifestyle you’ll revert back to prior form post cessation.
If you have anything relating to blubber, steroids are a bad option.
Cheers for the reply bro. You are probably right that I still have newbie gains in the tank. I’m certain I can get the physique I’m aiming for (similar to this dude called Brandon C Clarke but would be happy with 10lbs less muscle even) naturally but it will be a very slow grind withw what seems like poor genetics.
The gear is to accelerate what would normally take a year or two to a 4 month window. Longest I’ve trained consistently (including great form) is 8 months and I was bulking then - got a bit fat but was stronger than ever. I’ll post my current stats for the lifts i’m doing in a log but essentially I’m back to those weights since the last week of my current cycle. Training style is HIT with 0IR/ forced reps (Yates, Mentzer) but with less rest days I guess (3-4 gym sessions a week). So doing 22kg single arm dumbell curls for 5 reps; Incline dumbell press of 60kg x7 x 2; seated close grip rows of 77kg x 7x2 , cable shoulder raises with 10kg x7.
I know the weights aren’t anything to brag about but I’ve been seeing solid gains with minimal water retention. Face is fairly lean.
Haha, yes you are not wrong. I’m looking for quick gains. Have you heard of the Gallniko-Noone diet of a severe protein sparing modified fast - don’t you think this will work for 4-5 weeks if I’m as anabolic as I am right now.
Thanks boss. I will definitely start a log and tag you in it. Previously people have been quite hostile to a carnivore diet (I’m not going to eat a bunch of carbs - it makes me feel shit).
Honestly, I’d be pretty happy with 150-155 LBM at 10-12% body fat at the end of this cycle. So, I’m not looking to get too big. Don’t you think this could work despite a severe calorie deficit if I’m this anabolic and doing a PSMF (having around 220 grams of protein a day)?
Damn. I’m cooked. Well since I’m so far into this, I might as well finish the cycle and PCT and then continue with the training but eating in a mild surplus. Not opposed to being on TRT for life (my T was lowish for 3 years at around 450ng/dl) but the only trouble is finding a doc to prescirbe trt for that. Maybe my getting a test done 5 weeks after i come off would give them the 200ng/dl hypogonadal values they seek
Don’t know who that is but spotty training, shitty diet and most likely awful recovery in general are not the same as poor genetics. Just tighten up and see what happens.
No since you asked. I think 6-12mo of solid nutrition and training will get you accustomed to the mindset and discipline required to attain your goals. You’ll also be halfway there. Then consider what you’re doing if you must. For most I would say a minimum of two years of 3-5 day a week training required with very little off time to start seeing natural plateaus.