CW's Next Frontier

I have the double dead day tomorrow, last day of Phase III. So far I am up about 8-10 pounds, with no noticeable fat gain, pants fit just fine around the waist. Needless to say, I’m stoked.

I’m eating a ton and taking alot of fish oils and glucosamine for my joints, and that’s really paid off. I’m also doing the contrast showers, icing, stretching, foam rolling, and a thorough dynamic warmup before each session. After all that I feel real good and think I will be able to push through Phase V when it comes along in another week.

To those of you just starting, try and err on the lighter side when you start off. If you think you need to drop 10 or 20 pounds on the squat or dead, do it, it will keep you in the game a few weeks later when you are doing the two a days. This program is too good to let yourself get burned out or hurt trying to move too much weight.

I’m just about to finish phase II and move on to phase III.

I’m on a cutting diet though. Nothing too severe. Doing 1900ish calories and 1700ish on off-days.

I think I’ve found the right groove. I feel great after a work out, and I am definitely getting leaner.

age 23, 6’1", 197 lbs, 11% bf

I started the day the article came out and I just finished phase 3 and starting phase 4 Monday.

As of right now I’ve put some serious gains on my legs, although my legs were very neglected to start with so gains were quick.

I’ve bench pressed 1RMed the most weight at my lowest weight.

Put some excellent size on my back.

My arms are doing decent as well.

Over all, I love the program. If you’re thinking about starting the program make sure you have time…to sleep a lot.

[quote]IronGame08 wrote:
I’m still on Week 1, phase 1, and I don’t know about you guys, but I was surprised at the intensity of this program. I’m only one week in, and these workouts are kicking my ass. And I have been through some badass workouts in my day…gotta love it though.

I don’t know if my poundages are high or if its the fact that I’m getting shitty sleep, but I’m struggling through these workouts. Today I was doing the split squats, and in between sets I had to lie down on a nearby bench to recuperate. I could barely open my eyes. And on the incline bench at the end, I got 11, 9, and only 7 reps respectively, nearly going to failure because I didn’t decrease the weight enough. I was pissed as fuck.

Anybody else receiving a swift kick in the ass by CW’s latest program or is it just me?[/quote]

Addendum to this post:

I just finished the 1st day of Week 2, Phase I. I was able to blow through this workout like it was nothing. This is surprising, given the fact that the sets increased and only one week ago I was begging for mercy from this same workout. I suppose I can attribute this to the fact that I have begun to adapt to these types of workouts.

Anyone else notice that there recovery rate/endurance in the weight room has increased, and that they are “adapting” to these types of workouts?

For me these workouts were a big switch, given the fact that I have an extensive background in low volume, heavy poundage programs. I’m beginning to really like full body, high frequency programs.

Well getting ready for phase 4, which should be a nice break before phase 5. I like the fact that you work the chest last, where the shoulders and triceps are fatigued, putting more pressure on the chest. I know a lot of people, including myself, that like to work chest 1st, so I think this is one reason i have had nice gains.

I am really enjoying this program overall, and my appetite has been off the hook recently. I am hungry all day, no matter what I eat - so I need to eat more. There is nothing like results you get and when you look in the mirror you can tell the difference. Its nice to get compliments about your body, but when you truly notice a change - priceless!

I have followed the program to a T, besides the occasional barbell curls, i have been using dumbbells because of wrist pain. This pain doesn’t bother me during heavy chins or pull-ups though. As far as phase 5 goes, I have to keep telling myself to pig out, healthily, and the muscles will keep coming!

Midway through Week 1 of Phase III (overall week 4) - ass kicking - for sure. I made the cardinal mistake of trying the two a day on about 5 hours sleep. Stupid.

The day after(Tuesday’s workout)

That deadlift / dip combo wrecked my ass. My body was shaking toward the end and I was shattered. It was like I took a sweat shower.

The lesson: don’t skimp on the rest - it will catch up to you.

This program rules!!

what is everybody planning for after phase 5? I know Chad is going to have an article addressing this in the near future but Im curious what everyones thoughts are.

Personally I am going to do Chad and Cosgroves shoulders routine and follow it up with perfect 10 emphasizing delts and lats.

As you can see, I am obsessed with CWs programs. The combination of simplicity and efficacy has me floored after years and years of instinctive training and pyramid nonsense that got me nowhere.


He states at the end of the article that you can continue with week five for as long as you see results. When you start to feel drained, take a week off, got back to phase 4 and then do phase 5 again.

I am on workout 3 of 4 in phase 4 and about to embark on the twice a days for 4 times a week…should be fun.

I find that my forearm grip is really holding me back in deadlifts. I can rock 265 no probs, but I have a hard time holding onto the bar, I don’t have wraps nor do I plan on using them…btw. (I should also mention that my deadlift is that low b/c I took a bullet in the hamstring…and couldn’t touch weights for a long while, so that’s amazing for me…thanks CW!)

I feel good on this plan.the twice a days make me feel good…I’m not overtrained…as many on the initial article had cautioned. Try this out…it’s an excellent efficient workout!


[quote]OARSMAN wrote:
Midway through Week 1 of Phase III (overall week 4) - ass kicking - for sure. I made the cardinal mistake of trying the two a day on about 5 hours sleep. Stupid.

The day after(Tuesday’s workout)

That deadlift / dip combo wrecked my ass. My body was shaking toward the end and I was shattered. It was like I took a sweat shower.

The lesson: don’t skimp on the rest - it will catch up to you.

This program rules!!


I know the feeling bro. I have done several CW workouts on 5 hours of sleep along with high amounts of stress, and I got my ass dominated. People were staring at me in the gym because I looked like I was going to die.

The first week kicked my ass. By the second week I was actually disappointed that the program was getting too easy. I’m in Phase III right now and just finished the fist two-a-day workout. Even today I’ve felt like it wasn’t enough. I’ve experienced insane gains on lifts, and I definately recover much quicker between sets. I’ve gained about five pounds in three weeks, maintaining leanness.

CW has his shit together on this one.

Thanks to everyone who is sharing their results. I’m going to be starting this program on Monday. I have taken measurements and pictures, so I should be able to give a somewhat accurate analysis of results.


Congratualtions on the excellent gains. Sounds like it working very well for you. Can you give specifics of what “insane gains” are in your lifts?



Finished day 5 of Phase III today…

What are Surge users doing on two-a-days? I usually do one scoop before and after each workout, but 4 scoops seems like a lot… but obviously recovery is the name of the game…

The PM workouts are a little weird getting used to (2 light high rep sets).

With good eating have added 10 lbs since the start… depending on how things go I might try adding Methoxy&Carbolin 19 (never used either) when if/when I kick back into Phase IV after doing the full program… but that’s a ways off.

Done with phase 4, got some serious knee pain an not sure if I’m gonna continue with lower body work for awhile. Definitly been putting the weight on too. Steped on the scale with a belly full of PWO’s and couldn’t believe I saw 209.5

I start the first of Phase V today…at lunch,then hit the second workout after work.

Wish me luck…bwahahahahaha…I actually feel pretty good…I’m not burnt out or anything…we’ll see by Friday night when I finish the second workout.

So far, I’m having fun…I’m very interested to see how my body reacts to this frequency…I’ll be sure to post and let everyone know…I’m still roughly the same weight…but look much fuller in the legs, back and arms! Life is good!

Best of luck,


Just started phase III this morning, I love this program so far. I started out at 182lbs and as of this morning Im at 198(a bottle of MAG-10 Legacy helped) My calories are hovering just under 5800 according to JB’s massive eating. Im 5’11 current 198 @ roughly 13% up from 11%. As far as Surge goes I use 1 scoop during 1 scoop after with some creatine and 1 hr later a full serving.

ON the 2-a day I plan on doing the same for my PM workout follwed by a cup of cottage cheese and scoop of Metabolic drive before bed. I plan on using legacy for this whole plan following 2weeks on 2 weeks off.

Also my lifts have skyrocketed on this program ,I know that is not what it is intented for , just another great side effect of MAG-10!

I’m starting phase IV tomorrow. I’m reducing my calories for this week and will add a little cardio to try to combat some of the fat gain.

I’m having some trouble with the 12 rep days and find that I need to go to 50% of 1RM on some exercises to complete all sets within the rest periods outlined.

I’ve gained about 6 lbs so far and can see noticeable increases in both upper and lower body.

[quote]serebin wrote:
I’m just about to finish phase II and move on to phase III.

I’m on a cutting diet though. Nothing too severe. Doing 1900ish calories and 1700ish on off-days.

I think I’ve found the right groove. I feel great after a work out, and I am definitely getting leaner.

age 23, 6’1", 197 lbs, 11% bf[/quote]

dude, you’re going to get killed when the two a days start on that low calories. If you can survive the two a days without overtraining on that amount of calories you are not going hard enough.

In the middle of Week 2, phase III right now. Up to 243 lbs. (b.f. around 10%) (6’4").

Using CW’s Carb Codex - started on his cutting parameters - but chucked it (the cutting parameters, not the eating program) once two a days started - you need all the calories you can get to stay fresh on this program.

To counteract the possible fat gain - have added 20 mins of light incline work on the treadmill after the PM workout. Keeping the HR under 140 - so far so good.

Total gain 12lbs. so far - maybe retaining a bit of water from the carbs, but still fucking nuts.

As to the Surge question. I take a full serving after the heavy AM workout and a 1/2 serving after the PM workout.

However, I think I’m going to bump it up to full servings on both once Phase V kicks in. That is going to be two weeks of hell! Can’t wait.