Cutting Diet

Here is the plan for my cutting diet. Suggestions and critiques are more than welcome.

Current Stats:
height: 6’0
weight: 215
BF%: 13.5%

5 weeks of this:

training days:

8 AM
5 eggs, green veggies, (50g of oatmeal?), 2 capsules of BETA-7

10:30 AM
48 grams of ON whey protein

1:00 PM
2 eight ounce chicken breasts, green veggies, 3 Flameout

3:00 48 grams of ON whey protein, 2 BETA-7

5:30 pre-workout
2.5 grams of creatine, half a serving of Surge, 8 Biotest BCAA

5:30-7:00 peri-workout
half a serving of Surge, 10 Biotest BCAA

7:00 post-workout
full serving of Surge, 8 Biotest BCAA

9:00 dinner
salad with 1 lb of 90% lean groundbeef, 7 ounces of all-natural salsa, 2 servings of green veggies, 4 Flameout, 2 BETA-7, 48 grams of on Whey

3 Biotest ZMA

rest days:

8 AM
5 eggs, green veggies, (50g of oatmeal?), 2 capsules of BETA-7

10:30 AM
48 grams of ON whey protein, 8 Biotest BCAA

1:00 PM
2 eight ounce chicken breasts, green veggies, 3 Flameout

3:00 48 grams of ON whey protein, 2 BETA-7

8 Biotest BCAA

salad with 1 lb of 90% lean groundbeef, 7 ounces of all-natural salsa, 2 servings of green veggies, 4 Flameout, 2 BETA-7, 48 grams of on Whey

48 grams of ON whey protein, 8 Biotest BCAA

3 Biotest ZMA

What’s the calorie and macro nutrient breakdown for each day?

Why a whole pound of chicken breast?

Correct me if im wrong, but I was under the impression that 5oz provides you with approximately 38 grams of protein. Now ive eaten 5oz and its a fair amount. 3+ times that is quite absurd IMO, if not useless and hard on the liver. All these measurements are cooked.

Yeah that’s too much food. Also, protein is too high compared to fats and carbs. I would suggest adding some healthy fats, olive oil, natty PB etc and to start with 6 oz feedings of protein (40 g). ALso, i’d lose the pre and peri Surge.

1 pound of groundbeef for dinner…dude that’s just too much.I’d also add a few carbs there, since it’s practically the first post-workout regular meal.

I’ve been eating the following way for 21 days now: 1 gram protein per pound of body weight (chicken and beef only) veggies like spinach, broc, carrots, apples and almonds, water, 32oz. of gatorade around workouts. Zero dry carbs. Period. No rice, cereals, potatoes, bread, ect…pasta, crackers. And yes, It does mess with my head! I might start a “My ass-hole diet” thread.
And also? I’ve cut down 11 pounds and kept or improved my strength in training. God it sounds nuts, but there it is. Good luck brothers.

[quote]baztack wrote:
Why a whole pound of chicken breast?

Correct me if im wrong, but I was under the impression that 5oz provides you with approximately 38 grams of protein. Now ive eaten 5oz and its a fair amount.[/quote]

I am pretty sure that 4 oz of chicken breast has only about 20 grams of protein (5oz=25grams).

[quote]jlats wrote:
I would suggest adding some healthy fats, olive oil, natty PB etc and to start with 6 oz feedings of protein (40 g). [/quote]

Agreed. Also, I think you are consuming too much whey relative to protein from whole foods. Whey is digested and absorbed too quickly. Don’t eat a whole pound of meat in one sitting. Split it up into smaller portions.

yup cut down on the amount of protein, throw in some more fats, PB, EVOO etc!

As well before be try to use ON 100% casein not a whey powder or Metabolic Drive or sumthin!

LOL @ 435g protein a day. Yeahhh I think thats a tad bit overboard. 1lb of meat + 48g whey protein at dinner?? 170g protein at dinner…

I don’t like this diet at all. A lb of ground beef and 48g of whey in one meal? Way too much protein.

He’s 215 pounds, 430g of protein is only 2g per pound, that’s prescribed regularly. Mind you 170g in one sitting seems high, but the overall amount isn’t.

Just get on Dave Palumbos diet & your problem is solved. Its not that different.

Since the time that I originally posted this diet in early April, I’ve decreased the amoutn of protein consumed through shakes and spread the overall protein out throughout the day. Also, I have increased the number of fats consumed through whole, plain yogurt at night.

Thanks for all the responses, I think that my main issue right now is upping the cardio for 4 weeks in order to attack fat loss with everything I’ve got. Thanks again.

Now I’m curious, what are you at now? Weight and B.F wise? This will sound ass-backwards (like the way I’ve been eating above!)but, for me, I have not been doing any true cardio this month. What I HAVE been doing is all supersets, every workout. And all my sets end up in the 20-26 rep range. Doesn’t matter if I’m pushing,pulling, doing lower body…And, oh yes, it can be sickening! short rest breaks, and intense intervals built right in! P.S. great back shots in those avatars guys, very solid. God speed.

I’m at about 207 now. I don’t know my BF%, but I’d guess around 12%, I’m not too concerned with that number. I’ve been doing OVT for the past 5 or so weeks, and it’s going very well. Unlike your training routine, OVT consists of a 5x5 template, not your high rep one.

I have not done much cardio while on OVT except for a 7 minute bike warm up before each training session. I hope this helps.

Post workout I like to hit the bike for my cardio 6mins of Tabata included a warm up min and a cool down min.

Also HIIT for cardio 3 days at week at a grueling 19mins(ha ha)

Works well.

Good job there, chipping away at it. I’m pretty sick of my routine at this point! And the diet also, just sucks, but it has been working. Time for a change and that ovt 5x5 thing looks interesting. Guess I’m just bored. Keep up the good work everyone.