I am ready to begin a 8-10 week cut using only Test Prop. I will pin 100mg ED. This is my second cycle (first was a bulk using Test-E and Dbol, gained 33lbs, kept 21). I am 6’3, 250ish atm.
I do not wish to get diced to the bone, but I want to pull it back from the 14% I am now to sub 10. The goal is to lose the fat, keep the muscle. New muscle is not a priority.
MY QUESTION… What sort of caloric deficit applies to a cut on cycle as opposed to natural? Is a 500cal deficit still standard?
2gm of protein per pound? i.e 500p/50f/150c or is 1.5gm acceptable?.. i.e 380p/50f/275c.
You don’t need 2g/protein per lb of bodyweight ever, let alone for a cut. 500g of protein, even at 250lbs is insane and for most- will lead to insolvency.
I know a handful of professional bodybuilders off the top of my head that are known for only taking around 150g/protein a day.
When I did my cut and dropped to single digit bodyfat the most protein I ever got in a day was 200g. Weighing from 225 down to about 200. Didn’t lose any strength, gained muscle, lost fat. win/win/win.
This post had me thinking all day of this 2g of protein per body lb and how it may be doable… I think once you get bigger than the average asian at your gym this approach is not very doable or even healthy? Lots of high school football players actually get ammonia poisoning from having way too many protein shakes every day.
[quote]Toby Queef wrote:
You don’t need 2g/protein per lb of bodyweight ever, let alone for a cut. 500g of protein, even at 250lbs is insane and for most- will lead to insolvency.
I know a handful of professional bodybuilders off the top of my head that are known for only taking around 150g/protein a day.
When I did my cut and dropped to single digit bodyfat the most protein I ever got in a day was 200g. Weighing from 225 down to about 200. Didn’t lose any strength, gained muscle, lost fat. win/win/win.[/quote]
Good Point!!! I recently read a report on protein,and moreover the scam of the hi-protein diet.This researcher worked in the suppliment industry and said even a Pro-Bodybuilder doesant require the high level’s the magazines say.
on anabolics u can drop ur calls lowere than ususla whilst still retaining muscle. if i were u id calculate ur maintenece cals, cuz its different for everyone, then subtract 500. ideally eat some substantial quanity of protein every 3 hours and eats ur carbs only before and after training 150grams or so. low carbing it tough mentally for mast but very effective for burning fat
"I am ready to begin a 8-10 week cut using only Test Prop. I will pin 100mg ED. This is my second cycle (first was a bulk using Test-E and Dbol, gained 33lbs, kept 21). I am 6’3, 250ish atm.
I do not wish to get diced to the bone, but I want to pull it back from the 14% I am now to sub 10. The goal is to lose the fat, keep the muscle. New muscle is not a priority.
MY QUESTION… What sort of caloric deficit applies to a cut on cycle as opposed to natural? Is a 500cal deficit still standard?
2gm of protein per pound? i.e 500p/50f/150c or is 1.5gm acceptable?.. i.e 380p/50f/275c.
Would love your thoughts[/quote]"
I was curious about why wouldnt u use a cycle intended for cutting like winstrol? Dont wanna hate just wanted to know. Maybe you got a point. (I dont change my protein even when on a cutting cycle)
"I am ready to begin a 8-10 week cut using only Test Prop. I will pin 100mg ED. This is my second cycle (first was a bulk using Test-E and Dbol, gained 33lbs, kept 21). I am 6’3, 250ish atm.
I do not wish to get diced to the bone, but I want to pull it back from the 14% I am now to sub 10. The goal is to lose the fat, keep the muscle. New muscle is not a priority.
MY QUESTION… What sort of caloric deficit applies to a cut on cycle as opposed to natural? Is a 500cal deficit still standard?
2gm of protein per pound? i.e 500p/50f/150c or is 1.5gm acceptable?.. i.e 380p/50f/275c.
Would love your thoughts[/quote]"
I was curious about why wouldnt u use a cycle intended for cutting like winstrol? Dont wanna hate just wanted to know. Maybe you got a point. (I dont change my protein even when on a cutting cycle)[/quote]
Im not a big fan of 1 compound only so I would use something like Winstrol and Test propionate. But I hold a lot of water when on test. Its all your personal preference.
When I cut I use Winstrol, T-3 and towards the end I put in som clenbuterol for about 2 weeks but my whole cut is about 8 weeks.