Hi all
New poster here - just want to start by saying hi. I have been lurking for a while and picking up great advice.
I am a 28yr old male, 6ft4, 191lbs, 14.9% body fat according to my scales. Now, I’m not a big guy but I have vastly improved my lifts over the last 9 months or so. Combined with cardio in that period I have come down from 210lbs and around 22% body fat.
My goal at present is to lean out as best I can. Clearly this is all vanity… but with an eye on setting a numerate goal (I really find this helps) I want to get under 10%. Once this is achieved, I am looking forward to a huge, long clean bulk.
I lift M/W/F with an all over body programme (variations on: chest press/bent over row/mil press/chins/dips/squats - can post more detail and poundage if people are interested), and run on Tues, Thurs and Sun. Whatever I’m doing, I workout at 7.30am. Unfortunate frequent long hours and late night working rules anything else out.
Now, if you’ve got this far… can you people give me some thoughts on my current diet? I’ve posted a typical day below:
Pre-workout brek (6.45am) - shake consisting of protein powder, skim milk, blueberries and banana.
Post-wo (around 9am) - protein shake with water.
Snack (10.30am) - Homemade protein bar (Peanut butter, chocolate protein powder, honey. Incredible.)
Lunch (1pm) - Typically large chunks of lean meat, and some veg
Snack (4pm) - another protein bar
Supper (8pm) - Fish/meat and veg. Maybe red meat 2x a week.
This typically works out at a protein/carb/fat calorie split of around 40:25:35, and I average 2,200 calories a day. I normally am at or around 1g of protein per lb of bodyweight. On some weights days I’ll run home from work (around 6 miles) in which case I throw in a 350cal ham sandwich at the end of work to fuel me home.
As I mentioned, I am trying to cut down whilst maintaining muscle. So far having done this for a week and a half my lifts have been stable on before (slightly improved in places), but my running has been difficult - frequently I find I have no energy for longer sessions.
All thoughts and advice would be hugely welcome.
Thanks in advance
Respectfully yours,