Cycle Results

Alright well since my UTI kicked in I had to stop my cycle a week short. No complaints though. My diet did not go as planned, but I keep the calories high for me which was around 4k/day.
Week 1-4------
Tren 75mg ED
Test Prop 200mg ED (to prevent finadick)
Week 5-7
Tren 150mg ED
Test 200mg ED

I raised the Tren in week 5 mainly just to experiment, but it turned out fantastic. The sides were horrible (night sweats, insomnia, HUNGER, etc.).

I gained 17 pounds and dropped 3% BF. I would say it went very well since I was only looking for strength gains. All of my lifts are up by 20-30 percent which is nice. Now im doing my PCT which is very similar to the one Rainjack laid out in his post. Wish me luck for holding on to these gains.

Oh also I had some gyno problems around week 4-5 jumped on some Nolva and Dex which stopped it imediately.

Let me know how that PCT works for you.

alright rj

So you put on 17lbs in 7 weeks? Damn!

Now I understand why people do roids, although having to buy new clothes all the time would get expensive.

How much of your gains do you think you will be able to hold onto?

I’m not real sure how much weight I will keep. I’m shooting for 10lbs, but I have to take into the account that I am sick during this time as well which will have some detrimental effect.

[quote]chtdrmn wrote:
I’m not real sure how much weight I will keep. I’m shooting for 10lbs, but I have to take into the account that I am sick during this time as well which will have some detrimental effect.[/quote]

Speaking of that, how did the whole “orange chunks in my pee” thing turn out?

Ofcourse you made great gains. You were shooting 1900 mg of gear weekly on the low end then moved up to about 2500mg total. That’s a lot of gear. Hope your PCT goes well. A lot of guys complained about it taking up to 6 months to fully recover from a Tren cycle like that.

Yea I was shooting a lot of tren it was great the orange chunks stuff turned out to be white blood cells that had attached to bacteria acording to the doc so im good so far on PCT i havent had any problems and my strength is still going up which is great ive lost about 2 pounds of water weight because im starting to look more vascualar in my legs and upper chest/shoulders i still cant find my nuts though damn bastards are hiding from me i wish i could have found some hcg for that but i have to make do with what i have

chtdrmn -

What were some of the positives of upping the tren to 150mg ED?

Obviously the benefit was he learned how to make Sunny D in his kidneys! YuM!

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
PKP284 wrote:
Obviously the benefit was he learned how to make Sunny D in his kidneys! YuM!

I hope you are joking - its kind of hard to tell without any LOLs etc.

The tren had bugger all to do with the orange chunks. This kind of misinformation is what helps to give steroids such a bad name amongst the uneducated…

Rant over

Yes you’re right it was not the trenbolone molecule itself. Rather it was the preparation itself being of inferior quality. But in this case when people say “tren” it’s understood it’s from a kit.

[quote]Gregus wrote:
Yes you’re right it was not the trenbolone molecule itself. Rather it was the preparation itself being of inferior quality. But in this case when people say “tren” it’s understood it’s from a kit.


You have no proof of causation. Why single out the ‘inferior’ tren? It could be any myriad of things that caused a UTI.

even my doc said that the tren had absolutely nothing to do with the UTI he said there were no signs of kidney or liver toxicity as well it was just a bacteria infection from a bacteria that was typically found in spoiled milk not the glue or binders from the tren pellets as far as the making sunny d with my piss joke im going to let out a little 150mg ED tren rage on you and politely ask you to shut the fuck up with the jokes if you have something like that to say to me PM me dont hijack a thread as far as the inferior tren thing

yes im sure pellet conversions are inferior to powder conversions but to what degree i do not know it might not even be noticeable in the body i dunno some of the benefits of raising the tren to 150 was actually the same as running 75mg i was trying to find the highest dose that i could handle from everyone i have talked to and all the articles and boards i have read state that it is good to find a dose where you can handle the bad sides and with me the worse the sides got the better the gains i cant give any beneficial reasons as to why it was good to double the dose but it worked for me

[quote]rainjack wrote:
Gregus wrote:
Yes you’re right it was not the trenbolone molecule itself. Rather it was the preparation itself being of inferior quality. But in this case when people say “tren” it’s understood it’s from a kit.

You have no proof of causation. Why single out the ‘inferior’ tren? It could be any myriad of things that caused a UTI.

I did not say it’s “tren”. I said it was the preparation. And yes you’re right i have no proof of causation, but on the flip side you don’t have proof eliminating it as a suspect. Tren preparations have been plaqued with people experiencing more irritations in the area of kidneys, bladder etc… Those body systems are more porne to irritation with Tren PREPARATIONS then say Sustanon 250. That’s all i was saying.

[quote]chtdrmn wrote:
it was just a bacteria infection from a bacteria that was typically found in spoiled milk not the glue or binders from the tren pellets [/quote]

why were you sticking the johnson in spoiled milk???

ha i wasnt fucking spoiled milk the doc just said that was the most commen place the bacteria was found i have no clue how i got the damn thing

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Gregus wrote:
bushidobadboy wrote:
PKP284 wrote:
Obviously the benefit was he learned how to make Sunny D in his kidneys! YuM!

I hope you are joking - its kind of hard to tell without any LOLs etc.

The tren had bugger all to do with the orange chunks. This kind of misinformation is what helps to give steroids such a bad name amongst the uneducated…

Rant over

Yes you’re right it was not the trenbolone molecule itself. Rather it was the preparation itself being of inferior quality. But in this case when people say “tren” it’s understood it’s from a kit.

I agree with RJ on this one - there is absolutely no proof or even strong indication that his UTI had ANYTHING WHATSOEVER to do with his taking steriods.


For everyone’s peace of mind,

LMAO! or LOL! needs to be added.

Give me some credit for not being a complete moron! I read the fact he had a bacterial infection unrelated to steroid usage. I just assumed the sarcasm would seep through the monitor like the aroma of a nice bloody steak.