[quote]rainjack wrote:
brian.m wrote:
you were talking about how we were designed to do
well, i figure we were also designed to work hard, and not eat the way we do now
if you weigh out the two things, i think we were not “meant” to be overweight, and as history shows, we are much fatter than say 100 years ago
-i think its pretty clear that before all the junk processed foods and high fructose everything was around, and people worked and played (on average) more phisically (as everything now is designed to allow us to do less phisically), obesity was more of a rarity than normal thing
Okay. I could understand that.
I would agree. We are meant, or historically have been designed to store fat, and use it when times got lean - kinda like bears.
We worked long hard hours, and ate comparatively much less than we do today. Our diet used to consist of mainly unprocessed foods. Now it is rare for the average guy to eat an entire meal of whole foods.
In short, things are much different now than they used to be. I just think that there are a lot more naturally fat people out there than there are naturally lean. Just like in the old days, it is still a matter of diet, though. [/quote]
I don’t believe this at all. That would be like saying obesity is on the rise because we have evolved into fat asses…and not because we eat like shit, live like shit, and don’t exercise.
I worked with several kids today considering many around this area were off from school for some reason. Just in random conversation, I can tell you that most don’t even go outside to play anymore. Sure, they have video game systems at home that would make me blush…and I have a JOB…but not one of them plays sports, plays outside or just fucking rides a bike around the neighborhood. When these kids turn 25-30 and find themselves on the border of obesity, we shouldn’t claim it was evolution’s fault.
We also shouldn’t call them “FFBs”.