There isnt any reason why someone can drink crystal light, diet coke etc on a ketogenic diet is there?
As long as it’s carb free - nope.
I have read evidence of some artificial sweetners (including aspartame) invoking an insulin response in the pancreas…and one mechananism that the keto diet works through is by keeping insulin low and glocagon high…so anything that causes an insulin response can hamper results and artificial sweetners can contribute to this even if calorie free.
Actually, empirically speaking, quite a few have noticed that aspartame can prevent them from dropping into ketosis. However, once ketosis is established, it doesn’t seem to have an adverse effect.
In the end, you just have to try it for yourself and see what happens.
I think everyone is different on the artificial sweetener thing. Some people can have lots of aspartame, others can’t. Me? I’m almost positive the stuff messes me up.
That being said, sucralose doesn’t seem to have the same negative effects on me. Of course, as far as pop goes, I think Diet Rite is about the only major brand that uses sucralose instead of Nutraevil, oops I mean aspartame.
Surprisingly, I see very little mention of stevia on T-mag. Stevia is a rather interesting sweetener. I’d like to see some discussion about it sometime.
Thibaudeau used Cyrstal Lite on his “Beast Evolves” plan. I think if it does have a negative effect, it’s very small in the big picture. And if it keeps you from going nuts and drinking a liter of Pepsi, then the positives outweigh the negatives.
The problem could be a conditioned response. You taste something sweet, and insulin is secreted, even if there’s no sugar there.
I don’t see why people can’t just drink water. Heck, get some V-8 if you can’t stand only water. I can’t believe people into health and fitness are obsessed with sweet stuff.
Ive been told that pepsi one not only contains artificial sweetners but also added sugar thats not on the label. Last summer i lost around 20 lbs of fat while drinking ~2 liters per day. It didnt slow me down at all.
Bigspirit, I think stevia is good stuff, albeit a bit tough to use in some meals.
Since it’s soooo concentrated it doesn’t do the “volume” work that sugar does in baking. Thus things baked with stevia end up needing some other addition to make up the lack of volume.
It is certainly very sweet and a decent flavor.
The price and volume issue though I think are quite distracting to some.
I personally have some on hand and have used it in the past, but found it tough to use in anything other than really rich & thick desserts, like ice cream, truffles or cheesecake. Tried it in cookies every which way and never got em right, same goes for cakes.
Although I’ve used stevia and really like it, Doug Kalman had a post about a year ago (which I tried to search up but couldn’t find) that studies showed stevia had an inhibitary effect on testosterone production in healthy men…somewhat similiar to soy in that regard I gather…sucraolose might be the best bet.