I’m trying to achieve a physique similar to the picture below.
Would anyone be able to estimate the body fat percentage and weight of this guy, he is allegedly 6’ 4"
I have very similar bone structure at 6’ 2.5"
Sidenote: The guy spend $200,000 on GH per year so that explains the thin skin/lack of water retention.
Is this size and leanness attainable without the use of drugs.
Thanks in advance
Not maintainable for very long. How old are you if you don’t mind me asking? Focus on maximizing your own potential and building the best physique that YOU are capable of. This post combined with you having Greg Plitt as your avitar makes me think you struggle with comparing yourself to others
$200k a year!? That has to be a typo…
The thin skin and lack of water retention can be had by anyone who knows how to diet correctly. Pwolves looks very similar to that picture right now, I have been that lean as well with slightly smaller arms.
Pwolves and I are not using drugs, that physique is very attainable.
That guy is NOT spending $200,000 a year on drugs, let alone just GH. If he is, he has the worst genetics ever.
Yes that is attainable for a natural lifter. It’ll take you a little bit of time.
One a positive note (not going to get into cost of GH because I have no clue)…
I think finding someone with a similar structure to yourself is always a great help. When I first thought about competing, I would go through any magazines I could find searching for heights and weights of competitors, hoping it would give me some sort of yard stick to measure myself against. Of course while the weight was useful for someone who had never really cut up before, and had no clue just how damn huge you could be at under 200 lbs (internet-never-competed-experts will tell you this, and they couldn’t be more wrong IMO), I think how a physique looks in the mirror will be much more useful to you than worrying about exact figures.
Also, yes that level of leanness is certainly attainable without drugs. It just takes knowledge, discipline, and effort; three traits that not everyone has in the necessary amounts.
ok…nothing left to add hahaha…
lift, be consistent, learn about your macros and nutrition - very achievable look if you have the discipline to not eat “strawberry shortcake ben & jerry’s” ''MMMuuuuwwwhhooohahahaha - am am cyruseven’s fat inner child trying to break free!!!"
as for the 200k on GH - that sounds like the crazy ramblings of an ill informed pimple faced teenage still stringing together paradigms and constructs pieced together wildly and not thought out too well. dat guy has muscles and is lean - he’s on da drugs man!!! look at his tats and the way his gaze is looking so aloof, cool glasses too…he’s awesome!!!
go to bed kid.
Some people can easily maintain low body fat without any effort. It just depends on your genetics. I am one of them and I suspect that model is the same - the flip side is I struggle to gain.
[quote]pwolves17 wrote:
Not maintainable for very long. How old are you if you don’t mind me asking? Focus on maximizing your own potential and building the best physique that YOU are capable of. This post combined with you having Greg Plitt as your avitar makes me think you struggle with comparing yourself to others[/quote]
You are pretty damn lean right now. With that lighting you are probably just as lean. Do you feel you could keep you current conditioning? Seems you have not really had to dip to low on calories.