Critique My Squatting and Deadlifts!

Your deadlift looks great. I noticed you almost fell backwards after your second rep. That is actually a good thing. Well, sort of ;). It shows that you really have your weight on your heels.

Tom looks like he has a long torso, and I think that is why he is having some problems, although he has still improved alot. I wouldn’t tell him to drop his butt any, but he may try to sit back more in the down position so that his knees are not so far in front of the bar. He also may want to try moving the bar slightly away from his shins when he starts. This will help him pull back more, right now he is kind of squatting the weight up. He may also want to try sumo deadlifts.

Can’t really see your squat. Tom’s looks alot better. I think he could get a little lower still. Tell him to sit back even more and not let the knees travel so far forward. Really try to initiate the descent with the hips, just like you are sitting down on the toilet. A wider stance may help.

Keep up the good work. Looks like you both are getting really close to having all of your form issues worked out. Just keep adding weight to the bar and working hard. What kind of supplementary and upper body work are you doing?

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