(intermediate lifter)
Day 1: Upper Body Power Day
Barbell Overhead Press- 3x 3-5
Dumbell Shoulder Press- 2x6-10
Barbell Rows- 3x 3-5
Weighted Pull ups- 2x 6-10
Barbell Bench- 3x 3-5
Weighted Dips- 2x6-10
Barbell Curls- 3x6-10
Close-grip Bench- 3x6-10
Day 2: Lower Body Power Day
Squat- 3x 3-5
Leg Press- 2x 6-10
Deadlift- 3x 3-5
Still-Leg Deadlift- 2x 6-10
Calf Raise- 3x 6-10
Ab work
Day 3: Rest
Day 4: Back and Shoulders Hypertrophy Day
Barbell Rows- 6x 3 with 65-70% of normal 3-5 rep max
Cable Rows- 3x 8-12
Weighted Pullups- 3x 8-12
Chest-Supported Rows- 2x 12-15
Close-Grip Pulldowns- 2x 12-15
Seated Dumbbell Press- 3x 8-12
Upright Rows- 3x 8-12
Side Lateral Raises- 2x 12-15
Rear Delt Raises- 2x 8-12
Day 5: Lower Body Hypertrophy Day
Squats- 6x 3 with 65-70% of normal 3-5 rep max
Squat- 3x 8-12
Leg Press- 2x 12-15
Leg Extension- 3x 15-20
Romanian Deadlifts- 3x 8-12
Lying Leg Curls- 2x 12-15
Seated Leg Curls- 3x 15-20
Donkey Calf Raises- 4x 10-15
Day 6: Chest and Arms Hypertrophy Day
Barbell Bench- 6x 3 with 65-70% of normal 3-5 rep max
Incline Dumbbell Presses- 3x 8-12
Hammer Strength Chest Press- 3x 12-15
Incline Cable Flyes- 2x 15-20
Barbell Curls- 3x 8-12
Dumbbell Curls- 2x 12-15
Concentration Curls- 2x 15-20
Skull Crushers- 3x 8-12
Cable Pressdowns- 2x 12-15
Cable Kickbacks- 2x15-20
Day 7: Rest