[quote]realpeanutbutter wrote:
Alright buddy dude,
You want to lose fat right? Ok so…
You almost have it. Every meal you must eat veggies.
Spinach is the best veggie ever. period.
Get a huge econo bag of fresh spinach.
After you get a WHOLE FOOD protein source down I want you to eat spinach with a tbsp of olive oil and a tbso of vinegar on it. until you are full.
every meal. Got through the spinach like underwear. you will take some huge shits.
Eat whey protein only after your training or in the morning (as soon as you get up, before you shower).
Whole foods burn fat better (JB, 2006).
Every meal has:
1 whole food protein source (size of your fist)
1 fish oil cap
1 huge serving of veggies (size of four fists or more)
You eat those veggies (spinach or whatever) until you cry.
Cut the milk products including cheese (I know, cottage cheese makes killers, but…) because you might be “allergic” to it and not know it. When dieting down milk products are the first to go (JB, 2005).
Now diet is great and all but training has the best effect on body comp. Your training is likely not intense enough. plus if you have big (size 15.5? what the hell!!! do you have to check those on airplanes??) funky feet then running is no option (you might be a world class swimmer though, you do have fins). So…
Do meltdown training.
And do not be baby and quit. this shit is hard, awful in fact. But every trainee ive used it with has shed the fat like hell and gotten strong. It also shows you what intensity is all about. If you just do meltdown 4x per week (2 days training one day off) you will get lean. Just make sure you keeep your back straight and go hard. You won’t need any other HIIT work. fuk that. Melt down is all any one human can take.
Do it and don’t quit for a month and let me know what is up.
EAT STEAK. Chicken tits are great but since you shouldn’t be eating much sugar don’t bother with them. eat legs or a chicken cut with fat in it. combine protein and fat and avoid sugar and fat.
This is all very over simplified but starting simple is the best way. Once you get the basics down you can start adding other optimal food to your diet.
PM me if you need more info on meltdown of whatever. you will worship it after you see the results of one month.
lol that made me laugh.
I will use meltdown for a month and follow my diet perfectly and will give an update. And my chicken tits are plain, how are they sugary? Anyways I cut the milk, do I have too many fats? 21g sat…
Here is my diet now.
btw, the sugar from yogurt scares me away. Oh and check my totals to see if they are good for me. I also added 1 pic for you to laugh at, and so you have some idea, I am flexing.
Breakfast: 3 eggs, 1 apple, 24g whey in water. fish oil, vitamin.
Snack: 1c fat free cottage cheese, 20 blueberries, 22 almonds. spinnach, 1tbsp olive oil and vinegar.
Lunch: 6oz salmon, 2tbsp natural PB, 1 apple. fish oil. spinnach, 1tbsp olive oil and vinegar.
Preworkout: 1/2c oats in water, 24g whey in water. fish oil.
Post workout: 24g whey in water w/ creatine, 20 blueberries, 1 orange. fish oil.
Dinner: 5oz steak(lean), vegies. fish oil. spinnach.
Snack: 2 chicken breasts, 1tbsp flax oil.
Calories: 2487
Fats: 116
Carbs: 126
Protein: 240