Critique My Cutting Diet

I am 6’ 1/2", 185lb at 16.5% body fat. I am 18 years old. I would like to get down to 8-10%. I bench 185x5, squat 225x5, DB curl 45x10, deadlift 255x3. My diet is totally clean, but I can never seem to lose anymore fat, but I lose muscle easy. My cardio is mon-sat right after working out. My workout is MAX-OT basicallly for 45min and my cardio is HIIT, which is fast walk for 1:30min and sprint for 1:30min, cycle for 20min.

Breakfast: 1 apple, 1c oats, 1c skim milk, 24g whey in water.

Lunch: 5oz spicy tuna, 2tbsp peanut butter.

Pre-workout: 1c oats in water, 24g whey in water.


Post workout: 24g whey with creatine, 20 blueberries.

Snack: 1c cottage cheese fat free, egg beaters, 1tbsp flax oil.

Dinner: 2 chicken breasts, broccoli, salad.

Snack: 2 chicken breasts, fish oil, vitamin.

Calories: 2216
Fat: 48
Carbs: 180
Protein: 267


  1. where is the lean red meat at?

  2. where are the healthy fats? salmon? fish oil?

If you aren’t getting enough good fats your body will store fats the same as it hordes water when you’re dehydrated (you don’t piss,sweat etc)

  1. Salad? lettuce is a piss-weak veggie. You might get more vitamins from a piece of gum and a glass of tapwater. Eat shit like Avocados, broccoli, coliflower (sp?), and most of all Spinach (deserves capital S).

  2. start cutting the carbs. there is a great chance you’re carb sensitive and don’t handle them well. try eating just veggies and fruit for carbs. Cut the oat meal and see what changes. Lower carb diets almost always help change body comp.

  3. eat real eggs with egg beaters.

  4. by cutting diet do you mean that at one point you were eating more than 2200 cals per day. you ahve to rev up your basal metabolic rate with higher caloric intake for “cutting” to work. Plus you need a nice muscle base. I think if you have been eating like this and are noticing shitty body comp it’s because youa re starving and malnorished (micronutrient wise).

Long & short:

More fat, less carbs, better protein sources (red meat, fish, flesh of your enemies etc), and watch the bicycle cardio. instead add more HIIT or a cool sport like rugby or flag football.

If you hit the carbs only post WO then you should notice a good change in body comp. Get those fats up there to help out your hormones. eat a fish cap with each meal, guy your size needs at least 6g per day of the fish oil. Buy Berardi’s Precision nutrition (plug) because it is a great resource for good eating and getting your metabolism up. Once you dial in either berardis program or something like the anabolic diet you can gain muscle and maintain a leanness of about 10-12% easily. and you will have huge boners all the time from eating food all the time, I do.

BTW teh more “real” protein sources you get, like meat and stuff that you can chew, the better your feeding effect will be. I try and restrict whey and casein protein powder to:

  1. post training (whey)

  2. before bed (casein)

  3. As soon as i get up if i have to train in the morning (mix) with a real meal after that morning training (great time for oatmeal if you can’t live without)

  4. the velocity diet. I do it as a cleanse kind of. It helps reset your habits after you get a little crazy trying to gain weight or strength.

good luck shooting,


jesus wow! That is a lot to digest lol, was not expecting such a detailed response. Thanks!

I added fish oil to every meal and shanged my lunch from tuna to salmon. I addedi n better veggies too. But how do I make up for removing oats? so far I just cut both servings in half. My carbs went down too, check it out. I really want to get lean for this fall college semester.

Breakfast: 1 apple, 1/2c oats, .75c skim milk, 24g whey in water. 1 cap fish oil.

Lunch: salmon, 2tbsp peanut butter. 1cap fish oil.

Pre-workout: 1/2c oats in water, 24g whey in water. 1 cap fish oil.


Post workout: 24g whey with creatine, 20 blueberries. 1 cap fish oil.

Snack: 1c cottage cheese fat free, egg beaters, 1tbsp flax oil.

Dinner: 2 chicken breasts, broccoli, hardcore veggies(ill pick some up), 1 cap fish oil.

Snack: 2 chicken breasts, fish oil, vitamin.

Calories: 2128
Fat: 57
Carbs: 123
Protein: 275

[quote]realpeanutbutter wrote:

  1. where is the lean red meat at?

  2. where are the healthy fats? salmon? fish oil?

If you aren’t getting enough good fats your body will store fats the same as it hordes water when you’re dehydrated (you don’t piss,sweat etc)

  1. Salad? lettuce is a piss-weak veggie. You might get more vitamins from a piece of gum and a glass of tapwater. Eat shit like Avocados, broccoli, coliflower (sp?), and most of all Spinach (deserves capital S).

  2. start cutting the carbs. there is a great chance you’re carb sensitive and don’t handle them well. try eating just veggies and fruit for carbs. Cut the oat meal and see what changes. Lower carb diets almost always help change body comp.

  3. eat real eggs with egg beaters.

  4. by cutting diet do you mean that at one point you were eating more than 2200 cals per day. you ahve to rev up your basal metabolic rate with higher caloric intake for “cutting” to work. Plus you need a nice muscle base. I think if you have been eating like this and are noticing shitty body comp it’s because youa re starving and malnorished (micronutrient wise).

Long & short:

More fat, less carbs, better protein sources (red meat, fish, flesh of your enemies etc), and watch the bicycle cardio. instead add more HIIT or a cool sport like rugby or flag football.

If you hit the carbs only post WO then you should notice a good change in body comp. Get those fats up there to help out your hormones. eat a fish cap with each meal, guy your size needs at least 6g per day of the fish oil. Buy Berardi’s Precision nutrition (plug) because it is a great resource for good eating and getting your metabolism up. Once you dial in either berardis program or something like the anabolic diet you can gain muscle and maintain a leanness of about 10-12% easily. and you will have huge boners all the time from eating food all the time, I do.

BTW teh more “real” protein sources you get, like meat and stuff that you can chew, the better your feeding effect will be. I try and restrict whey and casein protein powder to:

  1. post training (whey)

  2. before bed (casein)

  3. As soon as i get up if i have to train in the morning (mix) with a real meal after that morning training (great time for oatmeal if you can’t live without)

  4. the velocity diet. I do it as a cleanse kind of. It helps reset your habits after you get a little crazy trying to gain weight or strength.

good luck shooting,



Furthermore I would like to add stuff to my last post. I drink a lot of water and piss a lot. I do not know how to eat red meats(beef), meaning what to cook it with or what type i should eat and how much. I also take 50mg of casopro daily with 200mg caffeine pill. I take BCAA and chromium picolinate. In early highschool I was a really fat kid and crash dieted, practically starving myself. I probably screwed my body up a lot in the process.

I was also bulking before this at 3300calories. I don’t know what you meant by bicycle cardio since I said I did HIIT, I never do easy cardio. I bust my ass and i can hardly breathe after HIIT. Basically I am willing to do anything to drop my fat, I am very self conscious since I was a shy fat kid awhile back and now I am leaner and more muscular. I will post a pic once I find it.

In addition to more healthy fats, veggies and protein, where’s the [u]yogurt![/u]

For the red meat try steak (round or loin) and BBQ (grill) that stuff. Or just take ground beef and cook it up with garlic and onions in a WOK or pan.

Get some help with the pschological issues about body consciousness. I used to have them but life is better now that everything is in perspective.

Read the thread: How T-Nation saved my life

it has a great story about a guy who was ni your same spot. Talk to him about feeling self-conscious. he’s a cool guy.

You should really try and get your metabolism up and put on some serious strength before “cutting.” Instead of cutting just eat maintenence levels and train hard. you will develop a better base of muscle, which you need before you cut. If you ahve more muscle your BF% will be lower.

Keep up the lifting and HIIT and you will be fine so long as you eat a little more good food. Eat eggs.

As for the oat meal don’t eat it and see what happens. you don’t need those carbs unless you just finished training. Add eggs there instead. eat more veggies. And more fat, use olive oil and vinegar on your spinach salads.


[quote]realpeanutbutter wrote:
For the red meat try steak (round or loin) and BBQ (grill) that stuff. Or just take ground beef and cook it up with garlic and onions in a WOK or pan.

Get some help with the pschological issues about body consciousness. I used to have them but life is better now that everything is in perspective.

Read the thread: How T-Nation saved my life

it has a great story about a guy who was ni your same spot. Talk to him about feeling self-conscious. he’s a cool guy.

You should really try and get your metabolism up and put on some serious strength before “cutting.” Instead of cutting just eat maintenence levels and train hard. you will develop a better base of muscle, which you need before you cut. If you ahve more muscle your BF% will be lower.

Keep up the lifting and HIIT and you will be fine so long as you eat a little more good food. Eat eggs.

As for the oat meal don’t eat it and see what happens. you don’t need those carbs unless you just finished training. Add eggs there instead. eat more veggies. And more fat, use olive oil and vinegar on your spinach salads.


I cannot bulk anymore. My face bloats like crazy, the fat goes there first and I hate my chubby face then. So I HAVE to get down to single digits. I need that clean slate in order to bulk. I hate feeling soft, because that is all I am. And when you say add eggs, you mean real eggs? isn’t that too fat or something bad… I don’t want to go into keto, I HATE keto I simply cannot live like that. Just wondering.

Today I did chest and then did HIIT for running. My legs cannot handle the fast speed(8mph). My shins and feet are just sloppy on it, btw I have size 15.5 feet. I also have strong calfs, maybe it os overpowering or something.

Bottom line is that I need to lower my body fat to a comfortable level. I have some loose skin and I have rolls when I sit down and I hate it. I have thought on resorting to superdrol for the faster results while bulking, but I talked myself out of it. I have shitty genetics.

Ok, this is what I have come up with at last. Please tell me what you think. I cut out all milk and some oats.

Snack: 20 blueberries, 1c fatfree cottage cheese.

Breakfast: 3 eggs, 3.5serving egg beaters, apple, 24g whey in water, 1 fish oil and vitamin.

Lunch: 10oz salmon, 2tbsp natural PB, 1 fish oil.

Preworkout: 24g whey, 1/2c oats in water.

Postworkout: 24g whey, 20 blueberries, creatine.

Dinner: 2 chicken breasts, spinnach salad, broccoli, 1tbsp flax oil.

Snack: 2 chicken breasts.

I forgot the totals:

Calories: 2203
Fats: 66
Carbs: 100
Protein: 288

You’re getting there man. I gotta say, I’m impressed, this is one of the first threads I’ve seen in a while where someone’s asked for advice, gotten it, and taken it without arguing. Good on ya!

I’d just like to add a few things. One, you might want to drop the egg beaters all together. Real eggs taste better and the fat isn’t nearly as much of a concern as it’s made out to be. In fact, fat helps promote digestion and aid in absorbing many fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K, and carotenoids to name a few).

Next, realpeanutbutter has mentioned it several times but you still seem to have neglected to add red meat into your diet. It’s really not that hard to cook and it’s a great source of protein. It is also somewhat fatty but if you can find grass-fed beef (try a farmers market or whole/organic food store) there’s a lot less marbling and what there is is actually quite good for you (lots of omega-3’s and good omega-6’s like CLA). Note that this is not the case with standard industrial beef which has virtually no Omega-3 fats and is loaded with HDL raising Omega-6’s. As far as cooking goes, all you really have to do is make sure the outside is cooked (well, there’s arguments that even this isn’t totally necessary but for safety guidelines it’s generally a good idea). E. Coli and other food born bacteria that cause illness really only live on the outside of beef (unless it’s ground (mince) in which case it needs to be cooked more thoroughly). So buy some steak, toss it on a grill, in a frying pan, or under the broiler and give it a minute or two, flip it, give it another minute or two and voila, you have a great meal.

Last, try some more fruits and veggies. This time of year there are so many different kinds of produce available it’s ridiculous to just eat spinach, broccoli, and blueberries. Find a local farmers market and go to town. Stuff is usually dirt cheap (yes, it comes from the dirt, I know, bad pun), and veggies are extremely versatile as far as cooking methods go. You can boil em, fry em, bake em, roast em, broil em, grill em, or just eat em raw. Experiment, it’s a lot of fun and once you get the hang of it you’ll have a great way to impress women with your culinary skills as well as your lean muscular physique.

Well, I could go on and on but I’ve already rambled enough, let me know if you have any questions and good luck with the cut.


[quote]m0dd3r wrote:
You’re getting there man. I gotta say, I’m impressed, this is one of the first threads I’ve seen in a while where someone’s asked for advice, gotten it, and taken it without arguing. Good on ya!

I’d just like to add a few things. One, you might want to drop the egg beaters all together. Real eggs taste better and the fat isn’t nearly as much of a concern as it’s made out to be. In fact, fat helps promote digestion and aid in absorbing many fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K, and carotenoids to name a few).

Next, realpeanutbutter has mentioned it several times but you still seem to have neglected to add red meat into your diet. It’s really not that hard to cook and it’s a great source of protein. It is also somewhat fatty but if you can find grass-fed beef (try a farmers market or whole/organic food store) there’s a lot less marbling and what there is is actually quite good for you (lots of omega-3’s and good omega-6’s like CLA). Note that this is not the case with standard industrial beef which has virtually no Omega-3 fats and is loaded with HDL raising Omega-6’s. As far as cooking goes, all you really have to do is make sure the outside is cooked (well, there’s arguments that even this isn’t totally necessary but for safety guidelines it’s generally a good idea). E. Coli and other food born bacteria that cause illness really only live on the outside of beef (unless it’s ground (mince) in which case it needs to be cooked more thoroughly). So buy some steak, toss it on a grill, in a frying pan, or under the broiler and give it a minute or two, flip it, give it another minute or two and voila, you have a great meal.

Last, try some more fruits and veggies. This time of year there are so many different kinds of produce available it’s ridiculous to just eat spinach, broccoli, and blueberries. Find a local farmers market and go to town. Stuff is usually dirt cheap (yes, it comes from the dirt, I know, bad pun), and veggies are extremely versatile as far as cooking methods go. You can boil em, fry em, bake em, roast em, broil em, grill em, or just eat em raw. Experiment, it’s a lot of fun and once you get the hang of it you’ll have a great way to impress women with your culinary skills as well as your lean muscular physique.

Well, I could go on and on but I’ve already rambled enough, let me know if you have any questions and good luck with the cut.


Thanks. I actually feel like I am gaining fat since my abs are harder to see. I have stayed this way for about a year or more, never seeming to lose the weight and then giving up.

I don’t really want to add red meat in, I find it easier to cook 4 pieces of chicken at once. But as you described above it is easy to cook steak, but it is expensive no? Plus I will be going to college in a month and I will actually have to change my diet a bit and adapt it to their food which isn’t that bad. And I will be broke.

I will tak away the egg beaters and add more fruit to make up for the cals. Here is my diet now:

Breakfast: 3 eggs, 1 apple, 24g whey in water. fish oil, vitamin.

Snack: 1c fat free cottage cheese, 20 blueberries, 22 almonds.

Lunch: 6oz salmon, 2tbsp natural PB, 1 apple. fish oil.

Preworkout: 1/2c oats in water, 24g whey in water. fish oil.

Post workout: 24g whey in water w/ creatine, 20 blueberries, 1 orange. fish oil.

Dinner: 2 chicken breasts(possibly steak), vegies. fish oil.

Snack: 2 chicken breasts, 1tbsp flax oil.

Still no yogurt?

Where are the veggies. You need more. your diet is slowly improving with each revision, but you’re not focusing on your health at the same time.

You should seriously add more green veggies (low calorie, low carb) to your diet for health purposes and because they will help you with your overall goal.

Read JB’s articles (Clean Eatin’ and 7 Effective Habits).

Alright buddy dude,

You want to lose fat right? Ok so…

You almost have it. Every meal you must eat veggies.


Spinach is the best veggie ever. period.

Get a huge econo bag of fresh spinach.

After you get a WHOLE FOOD protein source down I want you to eat spinach with a tbsp of olive oil and a tbso of vinegar on it. until you are full.

every meal. Got through the spinach like underwear. you will take some huge shits.

Eat whey protein only after your training or in the morning (as soon as you get up, before you shower).

Whole foods burn fat better (JB, 2006).

Every meal has:

1 whole food protein source (size of your fist)
1 fish oil cap
1 huge serving of veggies (size of four fists or more)

You eat those veggies (spinach or whatever) until you cry.

Cut the milk products including cheese (I know, cottage cheese makes killers, but…) because you might be “allergic” to it and not know it. When dieting down milk products are the first to go (JB, 2005).

Now diet is great and all but training has the best effect on body comp. Your training is likely not intense enough. plus if you have big (size 15.5? what the hell!!! do you have to check those on airplanes??) funky feet then running is no option (you might be a world class swimmer though, you do have fins). So…

Do meltdown training.

And do not be baby and quit. this shit is hard, awful in fact. But every trainee ive used it with has shed the fat like hell and gotten strong. It also shows you what intensity is all about. If you just do meltdown 4x per week (2 days training one day off) you will get lean. Just make sure you keeep your back straight and go hard. You won’t need any other HIIT work. fuk that. Melt down is all any one human can take.

Do it and don’t quit for a month and let me know what is up.

EAT STEAK. Chicken tits are great but since you shouldn’t be eating much sugar don’t bother with them. eat legs or a chicken cut with fat in it. combine protein and fat and avoid sugar and fat.

This is all very over simplified but starting simple is the best way. Once you get the basics down you can start adding other optimal food to your diet.

PM me if you need more info on meltdown of whatever. you will worship it after you see the results of one month.


[quote]realpeanutbutter wrote:
Alright buddy dude,

You want to lose fat right? Ok so…

You almost have it. Every meal you must eat veggies.


Spinach is the best veggie ever. period.

Get a huge econo bag of fresh spinach.

After you get a WHOLE FOOD protein source down I want you to eat spinach with a tbsp of olive oil and a tbso of vinegar on it. until you are full.

every meal. Got through the spinach like underwear. you will take some huge shits.

Eat whey protein only after your training or in the morning (as soon as you get up, before you shower).

Whole foods burn fat better (JB, 2006).

Every meal has:

1 whole food protein source (size of your fist)
1 fish oil cap
1 huge serving of veggies (size of four fists or more)

You eat those veggies (spinach or whatever) until you cry.

Cut the milk products including cheese (I know, cottage cheese makes killers, but…) because you might be “allergic” to it and not know it. When dieting down milk products are the first to go (JB, 2005).

Now diet is great and all but training has the best effect on body comp. Your training is likely not intense enough. plus if you have big (size 15.5? what the hell!!! do you have to check those on airplanes??) funky feet then running is no option (you might be a world class swimmer though, you do have fins). So…

Do meltdown training.

And do not be baby and quit. this shit is hard, awful in fact. But every trainee ive used it with has shed the fat like hell and gotten strong. It also shows you what intensity is all about. If you just do meltdown 4x per week (2 days training one day off) you will get lean. Just make sure you keeep your back straight and go hard. You won’t need any other HIIT work. fuk that. Melt down is all any one human can take.

Do it and don’t quit for a month and let me know what is up.

EAT STEAK. Chicken tits are great but since you shouldn’t be eating much sugar don’t bother with them. eat legs or a chicken cut with fat in it. combine protein and fat and avoid sugar and fat.

This is all very over simplified but starting simple is the best way. Once you get the basics down you can start adding other optimal food to your diet.

PM me if you need more info on meltdown of whatever. you will worship it after you see the results of one month.

lol that made me laugh.

I will use meltdown for a month and follow my diet perfectly and will give an update. And my chicken tits are plain, how are they sugary? Anyways I cut the milk, do I have too many fats? 21g sat…

Here is my diet now.
btw, the sugar from yogurt scares me away. Oh and check my totals to see if they are good for me. I also added 1 pic for you to laugh at, and so you have some idea, I am flexing.

Breakfast: 3 eggs, 1 apple, 24g whey in water. fish oil, vitamin.

Snack: 1c fat free cottage cheese, 20 blueberries, 22 almonds. spinnach, 1tbsp olive oil and vinegar.

Lunch: 6oz salmon, 2tbsp natural PB, 1 apple. fish oil. spinnach, 1tbsp olive oil and vinegar.

Preworkout: 1/2c oats in water, 24g whey in water. fish oil.

Post workout: 24g whey in water w/ creatine, 20 blueberries, 1 orange. fish oil.

Dinner: 5oz steak(lean), vegies. fish oil. spinnach.

Snack: 2 chicken breasts, 1tbsp flax oil.

Calories: 2487
Fats: 116
Carbs: 126
Protein: 240

Boy, you are small and lean. You don’t need to be cutting for anything. You need to go on a “Get Big” diet immediately and start eating more food and packing on some size and strength. I highly suggest picking up John Berardi’s “From Scrawny to Brawny” on

Follow the program and advice to the letter and get back to us in a year.

Stop worrying about the sugar in yogurt. You need a helluva lot more food than just some yogurt, and the sugar won’t harm you in any way.

You should spend a minimum of one year on getting bigger and stronger. You can keep the fat to a minimum if you eat clean, but on your current plan, you’re just going to continue staying scrawny.

No offense yogurt, but you dont have really enough muscle to start cutting.
Yes, i know you probably think being 160 lbs at 8%BF will get you laid, but you will thank us in the long run if you just eat.

Go get in a fight with a few burgers and call us back in a year.

Ask Nate, he listened.

sorry fellas but been there done that. It is a big deal for me to get lean. I have tried bulking and the smallest amount of fat bloats my face and everything. Look, I used to be obese and after yoyo diets and crash diets, plus some bulking I am here. I have a couple months of cutting to go(I hope) and then I can bulk.

Every time I see a skinny kid, I want to be him. The grass is greener on the other side. I know from the pics I look lean and scrawny, and I knew I would get these replies. But in real life I am soft and disgusted of the fat I carry. I would love the feeling of leanness. And a matter of fact I do believe being 8% will get me laid because I would have the confidence.

I promise to bulk after I reach my goal of 8-10%bf. The only thing I am asking right now is for diet support, making sure if I follow my diet and training exactly that I will lose bodyfat and keep muscle. Now I have taken your diet advice and applied it, and hopefully it will be effective. I start it tommorow 100%.

You’re not 18% bodyfat.

Read articles by John Berardi and Lonny Lowery from this site for top-notch diet info.

Also, and I sincerely mean this, you might be better off at a different site. You don’t seen quite ready for this one yet.

Ok man, first off, 16.5% bodyfat?? are you nuts? Where do you keep it? do you have really fat legs or something? Seriously, stop the cutting. Stop it now. And one last time, stop the cut. The only thing cutting is going to get you right now is skinny, unhealthy, and sickly looking. I understand what it feels like to be the “formerly fat kid.” I was always the fat kid and felt the same way, there’s nothing you want more than to be skinny.

I managed to get there in high school but I did it through starvation and amphetamines (not a good idea). So at least you’re looking for good healthy information instead of trying to find the easy way, but you need to read, listen, and learn.

Here’s a little information though, you already are skinny. You can’t see abs becaues they’re small, your chest doesn’t have that nice seperation and definition because there’s not enough muscle mass there. You’re simply not big enough to look really good skinny. Sorry if this sounds callous of me, but it’s got to be said.

Look at it this way, you’re going away to college in a month, take advantage of that. You’ll have lots of free time, access to as much food as you can eat (here’s a hint, bring a backpack full of tupperware containers to every meal and fill em up, it’s better than grocery shopping), and probably a gym not very far from where you’ll be living.

Plus, you’re 18 so your body’s ability to build muscle is probably at or near the best it will ever be. It’s the perfect chance to pack on some serious muscle in a short amount of time.

Do yourself a favor and hold off on the cut until the beginning of next year, cut down for Spring Break. Then go to Cancun or something all hyooooge and lean and enjoy yourself. Trust me, you’ll thank yourself for it when you take your shirt off at the beach and suddenly find yourself surrounded by drunk college girls.

If you really have a problem with your face bloating you may want to go get an allergy test. Like the previous poster said, you could have a milk or other allergy and not even know it. And bloating could be a sign of it.

Anyway, again, sorry if I sound like a dick, but, in my opinion, you really ought to take a long, hard look in the mirror and decide if you really want to get any skinnier, or if you want to put on some muscle and get healthier and bigger. Someone suggested it earlier but here’s a link to the “How T-Nation Saved My Life” thread.
Read it.


[quote]yogurt wrote:
Every time I see a skinny kid, I want to be him. The grass is greener on the other side. I know from the pics I look lean and scrawny, and I knew I would get these replies. But in real life I am soft and disgusted of the fat I carry. [/quote]

Yogurt, you sound like you have half a brain.

Please read what you wrote and consider that maybe you have other issues that need to be addressed other than cutting.
