Im 35 been a competitive powerlifter for the last 10 years and now I have to change gears.
Im no stranger to supplements but Im now in uncharted territory. Im now in a (unnammed) law enforcement academy and one of the PT requirements is running a mile and a half, which in itself is kind of foreign to me.
so anyway my question is: would creatine supplementation benefit my running/cardio endeavors or hinder it?
I havent taken any creatine in about 2 months and was wondering if I should resume it.
Creatine will not help your running times. You have three different energy systems in your body. Creatine supplementation helps with the fastest acting energy system, the problem with this is because it is able to generate energy so fast it doesn’t last long.
It won’t hurt you to resume taking it, but its not going to help run times either.
While I was running 5ks, I was also lifting to add some size. I used to be 5’10’’ and 155 pounds. I am now 5’10’’ and 180 pounds. During that time I was still running and taking creatine. Even with all of that weight gain, I was still able to maintain my 5k time and improve my body comp.
The hardest part about running consistantly is that adding size to my legs at the same rate as my upper body is nearly impossible.
No creatine only helps for efforts required in short. So if it was a 100m sprint, it could help but not with a long run. Shitload of bannanas before might give ya a hand!
[quote]rock27 wrote:
No creatine only helps for efforts required in short. So if it was a 100m sprint, it could help but not with a long run. Shitload of bannanas before might give ya a hand! [/quote]
[quote]Vicomte wrote:
rock27 wrote:
No creatine only helps for efforts required in short. So if it was a 100m sprint, it could help but not with a long run. Shitload of bannanas before might give ya a hand!
[quote]Vicomte wrote:
rock27 wrote:
No creatine only helps for efforts required in short. So if it was a 100m sprint, it could help but not with a long run. Shitload of bannanas before might give ya a hand!
I was introduced to creatine about halfway through a LE academy. I doubt it had any direct effect on my run times but I did notice improvement in my overnight ‘muscle recovery’. Assuming your academy runs on a regular basis, your run times will improve as the academy progresses. Certainly to the extent of passing the 1.5 mile run (let me guess…you need about 12.5 minutes?).