Creatine Cycle

For those of you who use Creatine, what is the most effective cycle you’ve used? How many loading days, how many maintenance weeks and how long in between each cycle? How much do you take in the loading and maintenance phase? I’m 170 pounds training for strength goals, just wondering how I should be using Creatine.

Creatine is an old supplement and the Internet is full of information. During “loading” you might want to take 10-15g / day. I among many others believe that loading isn’t really beneficial since you’ll propably saturate your muscles almost as fast with the normal daily amount. It’s no wonder that people didn’t bother answering your questions. Use one of the search engines and you’ll find tons of information. btw. not knowing your size the daily intake could be 3-6g . I’m personally taking around 5g daily. There’s no real reason to cycle since it won’t interfere with your natural production. It’s not a steroid nor does it require complex NASA formulas to achieve results so just read the friggin label…

Don’t load it, don’t cycle it. 5-10 grams per day every day. I’ve seen more recommended for especially intense lifting cycles.

Cycling is probably not needed…think of creatine as another micronutrient, not as a drug. 5g is a good average for most people, and I think loading is a scam to get people to use their creatine faster & buy more sooner, your intramuscular creatine levels will peak out soon enough. And if you take too much, especially too much at once, you might start experiencing some major ballistic craps. The first time I took creatine, I accidentally loaded with a tablespoon instead of a teaspoon, and the next time I went to the bathroom, the sheer force of my defecation almost launched me off the toilet seat into the opposite wall. I hear that’s how Jean Claude Van Damme got that little bump on his forehead…so beware!

Newton’s 3rd law in action…