creatine (anhydrous)

Has anyone heard of this new type of creatine??? I heard it’s a byproduct of monohydrate (compromised of all the same amino acids put alot purer)

Anhydrous just means “without water”. Usually, purified creatine (pharmaceutical grade) comes in a monohydrate form. That means there are water molecules interspersed through the creatine crystals.

I’m guessing this is awfully expensive stuff

Oh yeah, water isn’t very ‘heavy’ when compared to Creatine. So having 1 water molecule per creatine molecule won’t really add much to the weight. Ergo, unless the anhydrous is VERY close in price you probably get more creatine to the dollar from the monohydrate form.

It’s pretty close in price to plain monohydrate.

hey joel do you what the difference is (in regards to what it does to you)???

Okay, I’m feeling a little ignored …

Creatine is a crystal, like salt or sugar. This means that it packs against itself when taken out of solution. Think of it as a pallet of bricks. Each brick is a creatine molecule. The only reason why you can ‘see’ the pallet is because it’s big enough. You can’t see the individual bricks.

Creatine monohydrate means that there is one water molecule for every creatine molecule. They’re not linked or anything. Think of it as - there’s one marble for every brick in the pallet. The marbles would just fit between some of the spaces.

When you dissolve the creatine in water, it dissolves. This means that the creatine molecules are spread throughout the solution, dissociated from each other. At this point, Creatine Monohydrate and Anhydrous Creatine would be the same thing, dissolved creatine. There would be no difference between the two. This is assuming, of course, that both chemicals are chemically pure at the end of processing.

Hmmmn, just thinking about it, creatine looks to be about 9 times heavier than water. So water would be 1/10 the weight. If the Anhydrous is less than 111% the price of Monohydrate, I’d say it’s a better deal (since a gram of Anhydrous would have 111% more creatine than Monohydrate).

Does creatine anhydrous dissolve in water that isn’t hot like creatine titrate or is it just a suspension?