I’ve been on creatine for just over a week now and since there were a few unanswered questions on the topic recently I thought I’d pass on my initial impressions for any other creatine newbies. Over the week I have put on about 5 pounds (some of which I attribute to continued Massive Eating) whilst staying at 5% on the tanita scales which is in itself is nice given the long term angst associated with getting noticable gains. I presume I will lose this when I go off but having seen the extra 5 pounds there is motivation in wanting to keep the size and then some. Training wise, whilst my 1RMs havent gone up, I am generally getting another quality rep or two on most exercises which has had a profound effect on intensity - eg. Im dreading my next preacher curl session… All up I think its a great sup and Im planning to go for 3-4 weeks on, 1 off while the tub lasts.
Im taking the creating post workout with a whey mix and dextrose but, after reading that creatine loses its effectiveness if left in water for more than 10 mins, Im sticking the powders in a flask but adding water at the gym after my workout.
One other bit of unrelated info I want to pass on - I read in the same mag that squats below parallel activate the glutes alot more and that parallel front squats minimise glute gains. I dont know if its true but I’ll try it as Ive had my fair share of glute gains and personally dont think a squatters butt or bubble butt does much for anyone in the looking good nekid stakes.