Creatine and cancer risk

So I made the mistake of listening to YouTube and doing some googling. I have a history of cancer in the family, on both parents side, so if there is any chance that creatine could increase the risk I’ll avoid it.

Can anyone either confirm there is a slight risk or tell me to shut up :slight_smile: (preferably with some evidence :stuck_out_tongue: ).

From what I have read it caused cancer to grow faster, in mice/rats, rather than increase your risk to getting cancer as such

All things carry risk.

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Everything carries some sort of risk.
According to California everything causes cancer.


I think if your ultimate concern is health, and there is a slight risk to that from something as moderately beneficial as creatine, then just don’t supplement creatine.

It does beg the question of “what kind of cancer” and “does elevated creatine levels as a byproduct of excess protein consumption contribute to this risk”, but whatever. I’d rather die jacked in my 60s-70s than fat/average in my 80s.

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I’ve read dozens of journal articles on creatine and have never seen this risk mentioned.

I wouldn’t say my ultimate goal is health but my mum had it in her early 50’s and my grandmother on my dad’s side died of it in her early 60’s so it’s more getting it young so it feels like the chances are there. I don’t worry about it but given as it’s a fairly minor supplement avoiding it would be better, as you said.

I’m sure it is fine but if you Google it there are a few that come up. There doesn’t seem to be anything concrete

I’ve always been of the opinion that you’ll get it or you won’t, that it’s largely genetic. My grandfather on my mother’s side smoked from 12 and died at 84. He only died because while he was recovering from an operation he got sick, probably would have been ok for a while otherwise.

I’ve never read anything about peoples cancer being linked to creatine but googling isn’t usually a good idea!

I didn’t see anything relevant on Pubmed. If anything, the risks are likely very small. If you are quite concerned you should ask your doctor. You do not have to take creatine or any supplement.

I’ll dig into it a bit more.

I’m not worried too much as creatine isn’t essential, was just interested in peoples thoughts.
I am a vegetarian too (not for health, I heavily dislike the taste and smell) so in all likely hood taking creatine as a supplement would just put me at a similar level to someone that eats meat.

Not all cancers are heritable. That’s something to look into as well. Where there are family links, often these are due to lifestyle habits passed down, e.g. over reliance on ultraprocessed foods.

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Well my mum did smoke but she has breast cancer. My grandmother on my dad’s side was as far as I know very healthy. I believe she had bowel cancer but I can’t remember. Nether were/are overweight however the only diet and lifestyle I can really be sure of is my mums, I only saw my grandmother 3-4 times a year. As I said I don’t worry about it, can only control what you can, if it’s going to happen then so be it lol. But I do t want to encourage it

Just did a quick search and found that it can have suppressive effects on developing cancer due to anti-inflammatory properties, but apparently can speed up the development of existing cancer and cause it to metastasize quicker. Evidently cancer utilizes the same energy pathways creatine supports, but it has to exist first.

I’m not a doctor but I’m not worried it will cause cancer, however if I’m ever diagnosed I’ll drop it.

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Oh ok, maybe I didn’t read it properly.
Might get back on it! lol I can see a difference when I’m on it for sure.
Especially as I’m trying to slowly lose fat for august, 1lb a week. Anything to help build/keep muscle and strength

Agree with would rather die jacked in 60s -70s than fat/average (or decrepit) in my 80s. However, you would not die jacked if you had cancer and wasted away.
Personally, I stopped taking creatine supplements years ago because it was causing blood clots. The goal is make it to my “dirty birthday” (69) jacked.

These goals are all pretty cool until you get hit by a bus.


True ! You are only guaranteed right now, but you can improve your chances for tomorrow by lifting, eating health, and getting enough sleep.

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