CPA corrects tax misinformation

Thought I’d clear up some of the misinformation from the tax thread. The $300 refund ($600 if you’re filing jointly) is an advance on the tax reduction just passed. Because of a rate reduction, most people will see their taxes go down by the above amounts, politically, George W. wanted to get that $ in the people’s hands ASAP. However, it’s still possible to owe at year-end if you’re otherwise underwithheld.

For all the tax-protester types out there - don't be stupid. You can make all the quasi-legal/constitutional arguments you want, but the government & courts back the system, so you're asking for serious trouble if you go that route. Just pay & be thankful this is America - it could be a lot worse.

with all due respect I will never understand the “be gratefull you live in america, it could be worse” argument. I DO LIVE IN AMERICA, a country with a constitution!!! I guess everyone that has ever been screwd in this country should just be happy they are here. every group that has been persecuted should have just shut up and taken it. let me ask you one question (although people will argue over which is most important, I will give one simple example of why income tax is unconstitutional) if I can not be forced to incriminate myself why MUST I sign something saying what I OWE? just a Q. peace

Thaks for chiming in muleface. I’m a tax lawyer and wanted to say something similar. Anyway, to hetyey225 - you should pay taxes because I’m sure you like things such as roads, schools, police, military and all the other perks that come with living here. The good ol’ USA is not perfect but I’d like to know where exactly you think might be a better place to live and why. LL

LL, you fail to get the point, we have a constitution!!! it was supposed to be the “law of the land” it no longer is. NO, I do not think its the govs. place to build schools(what does that have to do with "income"tax anyway? why am I paying property tax?) the govs. job is to protect the people (who are supposed to be the gov.) and no I do not mean from themselfs. wait, your a tax layer? then answer my question about self incrimination for me. thanx in advance. peace hetyey225 oh yea, I do not want to live anywhere else I just want America to be what it was supposed to be.

LL, how popular do I have to be before I can steal your money and you should like me for it? How big does my chearleeding squad have to be before I can send you somewhere to kill people you would otherwise never ever see? You should be greatful what is left of constitutional respect in America protects you from your government.

hetyey225 - maybe the government taxes because it thinks that way, it might have a chance of getting out of the massive debt it seems to accrue. - PJ

The government has NO legitimate authority and the courts are puppets of the state. Just because a bunch of armed thugs get together and determine they have a right to steal 50% of what you earn doesn’t mean you have to capitulate to them. You just have to be smarter and/or stronger than they are.

Fine, LL, if YOU want the schools, police, military, public roads, FDA, FBI, FCC, social security, medicare, medicaid, NASA, and a thousand other government institutions and programs, then YOU give your money to the government. But don’t try to force other people into supporting what they wouldn’t buy voluntarily on the free market.

To you clueless tax attorneys and CPAs. Do any of you study the internal revenue code??? I highly doubt it. I would be willing to bet that both you guys utitlize every sort of deduction and write off you possibly can to pay as little as you can. You both love the income tax so much, why don’t you pay more??? You guys have a whole cottage industry revolving around this bogus income tax. Of course you would support it. You charge people a hundred bucks to prepare a return where all information can be used against them. I ask you tax attorneys how we can be required to waive a constitutional right (in this case our right not to be compelled to be a witness against ourselves-5th amendment)? Answer: because it is NOT mandatory. If it were, the 1040 form would state that no information could be used against you…just as it informs bookmakers (Form 7033 I believe).

No, constitutional arguments do not work in "tax court" which is an adminstrative agency, not a court. One is assumed to owe whatever the IRS claims they owe in tax court. One cannot raise constitutional issues in tax court. BTW, Mr. Tax Attorney, the IRS LOSES many cases in district court. In Montana, for example they don't even bother trying. The Grand Jury in Montana is Fully INformed Jury, and WILL NOT tolerate the IRS's illegal behavior. Of course, IRS defeats aren't publicized by the communist media. Don't want the peons to be informed now, do we?

The supreme law of the land in the US today, sad to say, is not the Constitution, but “Public policy”. There are all kinds of “institutes of public policy” and such.

The United States of America (Inc.) is lawfully the possession of the English Crown per the original commercial joint venture agreement between the colonies and the Crown, and the Constitution, which brought all of the states (only) back under British ownership and rule. The American people, however had a sovereign standing in law independent of any connection to the states or the Crown. This fact necessitated that the people be brought back, one at a time, under British rule, and the commercial process was the method of choice to accomplish this. All “courts” in America are “vice-admiralty courts” in the Crown’s private commerce.

Which is why attorneys here hold the title "Esquire" an English title of nobility. Which by the way is prohibited by Article I Sec. 9 of the Constitution. All statutory law "practiced" in the US today is copyrighted British law. All attorneys are "officers" of the court, and hence agents of the Crown. Which is why they can have their little "esquire" tile of nobility.

Oh, another thing–according to Corpus Juris Secundum; “clients” of “attorneys” are “wards of the court”. And “wards of the court” is defined by Blacks Law 4th as “infants and persons of unsound mind”. So in the eyes of the “law” you are an idiot which is why you need some asshole attorney to speak for you, and “represent” you, ie RE-present you as your “straw man” (fictitious person whose name mirrors yours but is spelled in all capital letters-check your paychecks, bank statements, credit card, electric bill etc)since statutory courts cannot deal with natural persons, only artificial “juristic” persons.

I’ll finish with a quote from a USA Today editorial 5/31/01 regarding tax cuts: “We are rapidly approaching a time in this country when there will be more people who don’t pay income taxes than who do”.

I’m sick of the “it could be worse” “be thankful you live in a free country” “taxes are the price of freedom” and other bullshit quotes. Well, we are NOT free. In the eyes of the law we are slaves. And the average American is a pathetic citizen. (ie “apathetic”). This country was started over tax protest, and the people of this country have disgraced the honor of every man or woman who fought for or supported the War for Independence. An independence, it turns out, we don’t even have.

For that we can thank attorneys.

I pay taxes only because they have guns, I obey unjust laws only because they have Guns, they can assert Jurisdiction and Venue because they have guns, the only reason they occasionally attempt to create an high profile illusion of honesty and propriety, play lipservice to Rights and Liberty, is so they don’t wake up the culled masses and get thrown out by force.

IMO: You (me) are free as they allow us to be free, the reason this country (U.S.A) is so great is because of the enterprise and creativity of the People INSPITE of the Government not because of it.

The Lawyers above are right, in the sence that there is little any single "individual" can do but accept and be grateful for the conditions of the plantation, because you can be %00 completely legally correct, but most Judges will never upset the applecart, its political suicide, than any positive effect it might have will be reversed by another action, this is a nation of laws for US not for THEM.

However we can live our lifes successfuly regardless of leaches on our neck.

PS: Barrasters, your not allowed to use the expession "Tax Protester" anymore, unless you want to cause someone a damage that is.

History or Myth? (I pose these questions to you guys because you are MUCH more knowledgeble about Govermental History than I am.) I’ve “heard” that the early founding of the IRS was actually meant to protect the “investment” that the Guilded Age TRILLIONaires (in today’s dollars) made to the U.S. Government. This was at a time when their wealth surpassed the wealth of the U.S.Government. So much so that the Goverment would often borrow from them. Again…truth/history… or myth? Mufasa

The shear stupidity of some of these “arguments” astonishes me. If you don’t want highways to travel on, grants issued to assist researchers in finding cures for ailments, governing bodies to make products safer, etc., etc., then go live in Siberia. The rest of us won’t miss you. I have always thought that the higher my tax bill was, the more money I had earned. To that idiot who doesn’t pay taxes, please publish your name so I can turn you in and get the reward. I will gladly pay the taxes on it too. And, by the way, if you want to attack something, attack the role government has played in allowing our legal system to propigate the ridiculous lawsuits that are filed. If we adopted the european legal system, 90% of lawsuits would never be filed. But then our government is largely made up of lawyers who would never let such a thing happen, even if the people wanted it. And, I can’t think of anyone who would not want our legal system revamped except for the damn lawyers…and they run the government! We should INCREASE out taxes and use the excess to pay bounties on the scalps of lawyers.

I’ve got no problem with those who think taxes are way too high & the government is doing way too much/spending too much money, etc… Our elected representatives should have much greater respect for our pocketbooks.

But face facts, the Supreme Court says the income tax is constitutional - it’s a settled question & all the harping in the world won’t change that fact. You have only one ethical recourse - voting & political action. Recognize that in a democratic/republican society, we abide by majority rule & the rules established by those we elect. If you don’t like it, throw the bums out - get your neighbors to join you. If you can’t, you live with it, or else we have chaos & lawlessness - which is worse???

I guess I would be the “idiot” you refer to. “Avoids Roids”. It appears you avoid knowledge as well. I cannot STAND the retarded argument that you uninformed “sheeple” use regarding roads and schools etc.

Open your mind, pull your head out of the sand and let me enlighten you.

Roads are paid for by gasoline taxes and other excise taxes like tire taxes and highway use taxes. Ever heard of turnpikes and toll roads?? Schools, parks etc are paid for through property taxes. Why do you people always think income tax pays for any of that???? There are some 45 different taxes listed in the Internal Revenue Code. The govt. collects TRILLIONS of dollars annually off these. Some 30 billion a DAY in gas taxes alone. How MUCH do we have to give the bastards????????

In the 1980s president Reagan appointed the Grace Commission to study waste in govt. They found that not one dime of income tax collected went to social programs, highways, or schools.
Even as far back as 1946, Beardsly Ruml, then chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York gave a speech to the American Bar Association entitled “Taxes For Revenue Are Obsolete”. You can access it at You getting this all you income tax lovers??? OBSOLETE! Income taxes do NOT raise revenue.

Finally for all you tax lovers, back in 1945, “tax freedom day”, the day at which Americans worked till just to pay taxes, was April 1. Three months of labor was given to government. By 1955 it was April 20, 1960 it was May 10, and by 1970 it was June 1st. By 1995 it had moved all the way to July 10th. You now work over six months of the year just to pay taxes. And you’re happy about this??? You wonder why two parents have to work? Why you need that second job? Duh.

To you non believers, the income tax is dying. Why the hell do you think these politicians are scrambling for alternate means to extort your earnings from you? Natl sales tax and all that bullshit. It is because the walls are crumbling around them, and they don't want the ignorant masses to know they have been conned all these years, with the help of attorneys of course. Rush Limbaugh even mentioned on his show one day that "half the people" aren't paying any more. Perhaps this is one of the reasons for Bush's amnesty for illegals plan. To get these poor suckers into the income tax system.

Many of you speak from ignorance and fear in this matter. They have you obedient, afraid, and uninformed. I’m not going to argue with any of you any more. Call me an idiot if you will, AVoids Roids. I’m not stopping you from paying income taxes. Pay as much as you wish, if it makes you feel good. I work hard for my wages and I need them more than the government or the world banks. I am not breaking any laws,nor am I taking anything away from any of you. Talk to me when you learn something about the truth of all this, rather than spewing knee jerk insults.

Most of the people on this forum I am guessing are young, in their teens and 20s. Many of you are products of the socialist public school system. The communists said long ago they would take this country without firing a shot, that they would do it by destroying the youth with drugs and promiscuity, that they would win not on the battlefield, but by conquering the mind.

Judging by some of the responses on this forum, they have done their work rather well.

Number of members of Congress or their staffers who failed to file a tax return or pay back taxes in 1999: 856

-- Harper's June 2001

Well BigSteve, if you are not breaking the law, you should have no problem giving me your name/address/etc. or just your SS number (if you even have one) so that I can collect the reward on your not breaking the law. Of course, if you really feel that you ARE breaking the law, then you won’t give it to me. Its as simple as that bro. Rush Limbaugh? LOL Although I am a conservative Republican, that guy it a flaming fruitcake. All he can do is twist words around to make something sound the opposite of what is intended. I put more credence in what Don Imus says (and that isn’t much) than that fat screwball. Either help support our society or take a boat to Bukina Faso and see how well you live in a society run without taxation.