To you clueless tax attorneys and CPAs. Do any of you study the internal revenue code??? I highly doubt it. I would be willing to bet that both you guys utitlize every sort of deduction and write off you possibly can to pay as little as you can. You both love the income tax so much, why don’t you pay more??? You guys have a whole cottage industry revolving around this bogus income tax. Of course you would support it. You charge people a hundred bucks to prepare a return where all information can be used against them. I ask you tax attorneys how we can be required to waive a constitutional right (in this case our right not to be compelled to be a witness against ourselves-5th amendment)? Answer: because it is NOT mandatory. If it were, the 1040 form would state that no information could be used against you…just as it informs bookmakers (Form 7033 I believe).
No, constitutional arguments do not work in "tax court" which is an adminstrative agency, not a court. One is assumed to owe whatever the IRS claims they owe in tax court. One cannot raise constitutional issues in tax court. BTW, Mr. Tax Attorney, the IRS LOSES many cases in district court. In Montana, for example they don't even bother trying. The Grand Jury in Montana is Fully INformed Jury, and WILL NOT tolerate the IRS's illegal behavior. Of course, IRS defeats aren't publicized by the communist media. Don't want the peons to be informed now, do we?
The supreme law of the land in the US today, sad to say, is not the Constitution, but “Public policy”. There are all kinds of “institutes of public policy” and such.
The United States of America (Inc.) is lawfully the possession of the English Crown per the original commercial joint venture agreement between the colonies and the Crown, and the Constitution, which brought all of the states (only) back under British ownership and rule. The American people, however had a sovereign standing in law independent of any connection to the states or the Crown. This fact necessitated that the people be brought back, one at a time, under British rule, and the commercial process was the method of choice to accomplish this. All “courts” in America are “vice-admiralty courts” in the Crown’s private commerce.
Which is why attorneys here hold the title "Esquire" an English title of nobility. Which by the way is prohibited by Article I Sec. 9 of the Constitution. All statutory law "practiced" in the US today is copyrighted British law. All attorneys are "officers" of the court, and hence agents of the Crown. Which is why they can have their little "esquire" tile of nobility.
Oh, another thing–according to Corpus Juris Secundum; “clients” of “attorneys” are “wards of the court”. And “wards of the court” is defined by Blacks Law 4th as “infants and persons of unsound mind”. So in the eyes of the “law” you are an idiot which is why you need some asshole attorney to speak for you, and “represent” you, ie RE-present you as your “straw man” (fictitious person whose name mirrors yours but is spelled in all capital letters-check your paychecks, bank statements, credit card, electric bill etc)since statutory courts cannot deal with natural persons, only artificial “juristic” persons.
I’ll finish with a quote from a USA Today editorial 5/31/01 regarding tax cuts: “We are rapidly approaching a time in this country when there will be more people who don’t pay income taxes than who do”.
I’m sick of the “it could be worse” “be thankful you live in a free country” “taxes are the price of freedom” and other bullshit quotes. Well, we are NOT free. In the eyes of the law we are slaves. And the average American is a pathetic citizen. (ie “apathetic”). This country was started over tax protest, and the people of this country have disgraced the honor of every man or woman who fought for or supported the War for Independence. An independence, it turns out, we don’t even have.
For that we can thank attorneys.