Covid in Australia

Someone’s TDS just got triggered! It’s all about Trump all the time with some of you guys.

I’m sure there exists a place inside one of your dim little rhetorical rabbit holes where calling someone full of shit is not, in fact, shitting on them.

You wrote off Crenshaws straightforward position with a one-liner attack on his character after bizarrely saying that the US didn’t experience lockdowns.

That’s what I call classic zecarlo. One for the greatest hits collection, no doubt.

Exactly the response I expected. You completely avoided the fact your god shit on a war hero’s actual service while you sheepishly accepted it. I don’t think my post was a case of TDS, as it was about you, but your response is an example of Trump worship. You did the Trump equivalent of playing the race card. Again, since you aren’t too bright, my criticism wasn’t against Trump, as I did not judge him, but about you and your disingenuousness and lack of integrity. Oh yeah, and your general lack of intelligence to notice it.

So I didn’t post about one particular Trumpian tweet or thing you’re thinking about in years past. You don’t say exactly what, but never mind that. You got me dead to rights. I probably didn’t post about whatever it is you are judging me for not posting about.

Dan Crenshaw is full of shit, according to zecarlo. You can’t explain why but you can offer some internet tough guy insults.

Thanks for illustrating exactly what TDS is all about.

Yeah, but you post about me. You have ZDS.

This is a great man?

This is pwi. I post about your weak points and meaningless semantic quibbling that adds nothing to the discussion.

And I post about your lack of facts, intelligence and honesty.

This is a thread about COVID in Australia.

I didn’t quite see how or when American presidents were brought up, but it’s, like, not relevant to this thread topic. There are plenty of other active threads you two can continue this hijack in, thanks.

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But why did you throw in that he was a war hero? What does that have to do with criticizing him as a politician? The fact is I served in the military while the sum of your service is beating up inbred drunks in Maine.

Had he addressed my criticism of Crenshaw without trying to make me look like someone who goes around insulting veterans then it wouldn’t have happened. Anyone who sees his post can see exactly what he was trying to do. I say Crenshaw is full of shit, as I have said about all politicians, and the response is: he’s a war hero. What does that have to do with anything?

I shouldn’t feed one liner troll comments. bereft of insight or thought. My bad.

Back on topic, Australia is off of my short list of travel destinations for the next year.

I watched a great deal of video footage over the weekend. The policy and rhetoric seems so over the top, disconnected from reality and completely removed from how we normally assess threat in our everyday lives.

Simply stated, this looks like Covid forever for AUS. Or has a clear path to normalcy been laid out that I’m missing?


Not getting in the pissing match between you and z, but what we called lockdowns was vastly different to what lockdowns were like in other parts of the world. In fact what people called lockdowns were vastly different in areas.

In my area we had a two or three week stretch where basically you had fast food and grocery stores and maybe some other odds and ends. But shortly after that almost everything else opened back up.

In other places it might have been vastly different, but it certainly wasn’t uniform and it certainly wasn’t a lockdown compared to many places. More of an inconvenience.

Same with mask “mandates.” How many places truly enforced any of these? Even at the height of the pandemic our local Walmart had maybe 30% of customers wearing them. As an essential worker I went all over the state and I saw people without masks all the time even in places that were more strict than where I live. About the only places I saw “mandate” them were passing out masks so people could wear.

tldr version: Lockdown in the sense of Covid has vastly different meanings in different parts of the world, and even different parts of the US. Where I live we were always able to go out and do what we wanted just some businesses for a short time were closed. Then a brief period where they reopened with some restrictions on number of people and now back to normal. The amount of people forced to wear a mask where I’ve been was essentially zero and in most places the majority didn’t wear them whether it was “required” or not.

Lockdown or restrictions in terms of Covid has been so unique among countries and areas that they are essentially worthless terms without proper context. We never had anything remotely like Australia or a lot of other parts of the world. Heck our most restrictive phases of pandemic would still be less than the rest of developed countries even though our deaths and cases dwarf all of them.

Everyone who has ever used the word “lockdown” to refer to Covid policies that “locked down” various activities understands this obvious point.

But hey, if you guys want to pretend I’m oblivious to this notion and argue against an imaginary person who is insisting that all lockdowns are the same everywhere, have at it.

Back on topic, is there any significant opposition voices from the Australian mainstream politicians or talking heads?

Do you have any high integrity politicians like Dan Crenshaw who are willing to come out in clear terms against the present course?

There is no such thing, anywhere.


Alright, about Australia.

What is the government’s real short term game plan, guys? Inconvenience people enough so more are compelled to get vaccinated? I don’t think this Delta variant is gonna be easily controlled even with lockdowns.

Malaysia just went nuts and gave over 20% of it’s population a jab in 1 month. Blew my fucking mind lol. They locked down HARD for several months. Delta was still rampant. People scrambled to get vaccinated once the vaccines were widely available.

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What’s the present course? The vast majority of things in the US are open and have been for quite some time now. Yeah we’ve got the mask snowflakes, but they have been snowflakes the whole time and the vast majority of them weren’t ever wearing them anyways.

It would be idiotic to suggest that no one will ever change based on the circumstances of a situation. Even these so called high integrity politicians would be imbeciles to not change their position on a situation as it changed.

Stupidity has never been a deterrent to pandering.

Take it off the short list of travel destinations FOREVER! Over the past two decades more and more nanny state policies have come into place. Soon you might not be able to participate in all of the amazing endeavours Australia has to offer. Outback… off limits… skydiving… too dangerous… cliff jumping? Nooopppe

This isn’t the case as of now, but I imagine (exaggerating obviously) massive borders being put over the inhospitable, yet oddly beautiful outback/bush around here under the guise of public safety

I’m using humour as a means to vent my frustration. Obviously if you ever come down my way (or even travel down to a border state) I’d be happy to buy you a beer and a meat pie (type of beef pie universally associated with Aus… they’re fantastic) or something and show you around :slight_smile:

@Chris_Colucci any thoughts/insights regarding the covid related political fiasco in Aus?

I saw this in the August photo thread but didn’t want to de-rail it. Hope it’s okay if I ask on here. What style of kickboxing? American kickboxing? Dutch kickboxing? Muay Thai?

American kickboxing is kind of like a full contact, arguably far more brutal version of karate relative to mcdojo karate. Karate has a bad name due to the mcdojo epidemic, but in it’s fullest form it’s a very effective combat discipline. Those Japanese guys who train day in day out for decades prior to competing professionally, who can break numerous large panels of wood with their bare hands are some off the toughest guys in the world.

Dutch kickboxing (like American kickboxing had a three way with muay thai and western boxing)? Muay Thai? I do Muay Thai, western boxing and BJJ at the moment. I’ll probably sprinkle in some sparring lessons with an athlete who does greco roman wrestling to enhance my takedown game and perhaps take up some Krav Maga if I ever have the time but my schedule is pushed to the max with work, studies, martial arts, weightlifting, being in constant pain and forum time :laughing:. Muay Thai is probably less efficacious for self defence in my opinion, though I’m certainly not an expert, barely a novice.

My reasoning stems from the defensive aspect within both sports. Muay Thai relies on techniques such as long guard, shin checks, parries and well placed knees from clinch to deflect or stop incoming strikes. The offensive mechanisms revolve around trading hits, using various parts of the body as a weapon (shin = baseball bat, elbows to cut etc), and grappling for throws, sweeps, dumps and takedowns. Whereas American kickboxing/various other kickboxing styles will teach aversion, proper blocks and whatnot, hence why I do western boxing 1-2x/wk to work on my defence. For offence, Muay Thai is fantastic, but it’s probably not going to stop you from getting hit… that’s why I think kickboxing is probably superior for defence, whereas Muay Thai is great for offence.

How are the OLY lifts progressing? what’s your C/J, Snatch? Deadlift? Push press? I’d love to do oly lifting, but I’ve heard it takes upwards of half a year just to get the technique right before you can add weight to the bar. I’ve also heard it requires an insane amount of shoulder stability, something my extremely hyper mobile shoulders don’t have. I have the mobility down pat though

All the best of luck regarding your fitness endeavours! You’re looking solid in those pics

There is no short term game plan, it’s just “lock down”, “save lives” without accounting for the preventable deaths associated with locking down, without accounting for all those unemployed, for those who have to shut up shop for good pertaining to businesses, without accounting for the HUGE budget cuts in colleges/schools, without accounting for the fact youth psychiatrists in my area are getting booked out at unprecedented rates. We have vaccination quotas now, 70% just to START easing lockdowns over single digit case numbers, then 80% to travel, acquire near full freedoms with lockdowns only being implemented in exceptional cases. That being said, one premier has come out and said “I’ll still reserve my right to lockdown whenever at 70%”.

At some point the public support for lockdowns MIGHT wear thin. Hysteria and political fear mongering can only work for so long. At which point perhaps a different approach might be trailed. But given police blockades, mass arrests and fines etc associated with lockdowns or even for posting anti-lockdown rhetoric on social media it appears federal and state governments alike are looking to abuse power in effort too quash dispelling rhetoric over lockdowns and draconian restrictions.

“lockdowns are a last resort”
locking down over single digit case numbers before hospitals reach a fraction of their capacity. To my knowledge there are tens of thousands of covid specific ICU beds within the country… The only reason hospitals take strain is because you shut off public healthcare systems whenever you lock down. Otherwise it wouldn’t be an issue unless we were dealing with say, 20,000 cases/day for a LONG time.

We have poor vaccination rates, but over 40% of those aged 16+ have had one shot, around 20% for both. One shot provides a degree of protection, those with 1-2 shots are less infectious, far less likely to fall severely ill.

You mentioned it can’t be that bad, you’d feel more free in China… China is undoubtedly more authoritarian, however there is very little sense of freedom in Aus at the moment. Civil liberties aren’t a commodity respected at this point. I’m very curious too see Australia’s ranking on the democratic index. We’ve always been a full democracy up until last year wherein Aus was downgraded to a narrowed democracy. This year has seen near unprecedented autocratic action by state and federal premiers alike, wouldn’t be surprised if we fell down to “flawed democracy” akin to how the US has been placed over the past four years. Before then it was considered a full/narrowed democracy depending on the year. Perhaps we might even be downgraded to “hybrid regime”.

I take it back, read the guidelines over quotas. Lockdowns will still be used “as necessary” come 70%, which means when we reach say… 100 cases/day a frenzied, hysterical media narrative will likely ensue despite mortality rates likely being akin to or lower than influenza at that point. Come 80% only “targeted lockdowns” will occur… with that being said, it looks like lockdowns will be with us for the foreseeable future.

I actually have a way of getting out of Aus, but I’m putting that off until I’ve finished my studies and have a decent bit of money with me and/or acquire a job overseas. I don’t really want to leave my family, but if the absolute WORST case scenario ensues and we remain cut off from the rest of the developed world for years on end… I’d rather not be a part of Australian society. Particularly if our political/media narratives manage to quasi indoctrinate the population to the point alternate bodies of ideological beliefs are shunned or even worse, penalised.

All in all, I’m trying not to think about this now. I’ve stopped watching the news here, it’s all about the 200 cases of coronavirus in NSW. It’s absolutely nuts, straight out of some dystopian science fiction novel! Media narratives at this point are only serving to impart fear, anxiety and dare I say complacency within the general population.

Obviously I’m not going to come out and advocate for anti-lockdown rhetoric in person. I don’t thrive on chaos and dysfunction, I can’t stand the thought of our society disintegrating into a mass state of civil and political unrest. Another worry is that the pendulum eventually swings so far in the other direction we go from “nanny state” to anarchist state when/if the disillusioned become a majority and vote a malevolent leader into power who promises “freedom” but has ulterior motives at heart.

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Not much will change here in Oz till at least Feb/March 22 at my best guess based on number of pfizer coming in each week, but that number is supposedly increasing. By that date enough of the population will be vaccinated and hopefully things return to some kind of normalcy…

Lockdowns on and off till then I suspect.


Oh this is great. You guys keep arguing.

Isn’t this classic Tu quoque logical fallacy. Aka whataboutism.

I have no dog in this fight. Don’t know exactly what twojarslave was referring to regarding Crenshaw.

But him calling out you shitting on Crenshaw.

Then you saying well what about Trump who also shit on Crenshaw.

Classic whataboutism.

Your better than that zecarlo.

And scrolling down I see you two stopped arguing.

Gonna join your brethren in the land of milk and honey?

Also who remembers this guy haha interesting video.