Covid in Australia

Z, Is that a bayonet in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

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If I have a bayonet in my pocket, I wonā€™t be of much use to you.

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Hereā€™s some more hijinks from Australian police. AUSTRALIAN STASI POLICE HARRASSMENT!!! (

Police have no right to speak to your doctor about you, without your permission, unless they have a specific court order. Its a breach of federal privacy laws.

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That is disgusting.

Couple things:

The man filming should have known him not wearing a mask was going to stir things up. So armed with that knowledge he should have had the foresight to be appropriately prepared for this sort of confrontation. Meaning he should carry and official letter from his doctor at all times not just a badge and he should be prepared to call the doctors office where they should say he is mask exempt. Now the police should not ask what his condition is. That is an invasion. And the doctor did not have to give that info. It should have been 100 % sufficient that the medical profession a state so and so has a condition which makes him mask exempt. Enough said.

But that other office just wanted to screw him over.

-ā€œI am gonna speak to the airline and recommend you not fly to day because you are being belligerent and I donā€™t think its safe for you to fly.ā€

-ā€œHere is whats gonna happen where gonna go back and consider what were gonna charge you with. Yes you have committed a crime. No I cant tell you. I ll tell you after weā€™ve gone back to the station and thought about it.ā€

-ā€œThat letter and your doctors word is not valid. I do not deem it validā€.

Those are not exact quotes but fairly accurate none the less.

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Its a sad state of affairs. Hereā€™s something a bit more humorous . Honest Government Ad | Hotel Quarantine & Vaccines - YouTube

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Hereā€™s a dose of Radio Free Americaā€¦

I love these guys, theyā€™ve made numerous slapstick satirical videos like this in the past.

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To note, covid is getting worse in the US again. To my knowledge quite a bit of the uptick in hospitalisation/death rates relates to various states with disproportionately low inoculation rates (due to anti vax rhetoric or lack of access in rural areas).

Various counties in California have a 90% Vax rateā€¦ Thereā€™s no point in locking down areas like that. You canā€™t possibly further safeguard the population.

Lockdowns were never intended to be a permenant method of protecting society. They were meant to be implemented as a brief, intermittent tool until we had vaccines after which vaccines were to be relied on as the primary means of protection.

Now we have the WA premier commenting ā€œI reserve the right to lock down after we reach 70% fully vaccinatedā€

Australiaā€™s quota is 70% to START opening up, 80% to allow free travel again. The kicker is we have an over 20% vaccine hesitancy rate. I donā€™t know why we canā€™t say ā€œopen up when everyone has been offered a vaccineā€. If this isnā€™t the mandated threshold, we might stay shut down to protect people who have voluntarily decided to forego protection.

THATā€™s nanny state madness.

Iā€™m with Rep. Crenshaw on this.

As am Iā€¦ Though I wasnā€™t always, initially lockdowns made sense whereas rep Crenshaw stated covid was a democratic hoax/blatant exaggeration.

You guys have a 50%+ inoculation rate, most at risk demographics fully immunisedā€¦ At which point I say ā€œlet it ripā€. Hospitals as a generalisation arenā€™t overflowing (aside from within towns that have low Vax rates). Deaths occur, and thatā€™s tragicā€¦ But you canā€™t shut down society forever.

Iā€™ll update later as Iā€™m on my phone and donā€™t wish to type out a large paragraph; but in Australia many are out of work. The economic situation isnā€™t looking so great as we lose 10 billion + in GDP from lockdowns alone per week. Keep in mind our GDP is a fraction relative to that of the US, and we are losing even more from lack of international tourism and students alike. The budget cuts to my university have been MASSIVEā€¦ The quality of my education has actually taken a bit of a hit.

Makes me very irritatedā€¦

More police shenanigans. At least this time the victims have some legal assistance. This is how police are ABUSING the system to FORCE compliance in NSW - YouTube

I believe you guys in VIC had it much worse from the Police in your last lockdown. They were outright bashing people.

The US never had any lockdowns. Some businesses were told to close. Thatā€™s not a lockdown. This is another example of Crenshaw being full of shit and a typical political hack.

They actually were lol. Trampling people on horseback, pepper spray, judo style throws etc.

Imagine whatā€™d happen in the US if that kind of police conduct was to be systemically normalised. Iā€™m thinking itā€™d incite a recital of the riots that took place last year

In Australia the rhetoric is ā€œwell they broke the law.
What fuckwits, protesting is illegal! Lock em up and throw away the key!ā€

Daniel Andrews will then come out and state ā€œthere is no evidence to suggest excessive force was implementedā€

Whilst he points to a video that consists of a bunch of police officers in riot gear stomping on a defenceless manā€™s head over and over again.

ā€œNo excessive forceā€¦ Case dismissedā€

ā€œBut sir, if you look at this video rig-ā€

ā€œI said CASE DISMISSEDā€¦ Itā€™s gone, poofā€¦ Nothing happenedā€

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Did NYC not have any lockdowns? I thought they more/less had stay at home orders and whatnot in place during the start of the pandemic.

Hereā€™s a win for the Aussie(Ruski) battler. Aussie-Ruski knew how to handle himself. The state of NSW is officially a police state (

Yeah, ā€œstay at home, please, except forā€¦ā€ would be a better name for it. We saw how locked down it was when the protesters came marching in.

Zecarlo will never tell you what he means in clear terms and then defend the position. He will just repeatedly disagree with you in vague terms and then bring you down to his vast network of dim little rabbit holes where meaningless semantic quibbling takes place.

Thatā€™s not a real lockdown.
Thatā€™s not a real anti cop campaign by Democrats.
Letā€™s talk about the merits of a utility bill for voting process integrity.
Zecarlo shits on a war hero with a silly one liner.

Trust me, he would love to split hairs about how the definition he has of lockdowns in his own head is not satisfied by this or that. Never mind thatā€™s what weā€™ve all been calling them the entire timeā€¦

Those arenā€™t real lockdowns. They are something else, you see.

Iā€™ll be sure to set the record straight with all of my friends whose businesses werenā€™t locked down at all. They are under the mistaken impression of being forced to close by the government.

That may be what happened, but for clarityā€™s sake Iā€™ll be sure to let them know that it wasnā€™t a real lockdown.

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Letā€™s just hope we see some real lockdowns this time! I trust that Biden(ā€˜s handlers) & Co. have my best interest in mind and would not do anything to harm me.

And this is why you are a disingenuous, low IQ, uneducated dirtbag.

You couldnā€™t take Trumpā€™s balls out of your mouth long enough to criticize him when he did that.

Unlike Trump, I didnā€™t shit on his service but him as a politician. He isnā€™t above criticism or reproach. In fact, I donā€™t think he would say his military service gives him a free pass.

Youā€™re a useful idiot. A sheep. The fact you left yourself wide open to a comment about Trump shows how much of a dummy without any self awareness you are. Do you need to be reminded to breathe?

For most Americans that would mean closing liquor stores and fast food restaurants.