Couple of PWO Supp Questions

Hey everyone, so being somewhat new to using some of the many supplements on the site I’ve got a couple questions about how to use them properly.

First off I’ve been taking BCAA’s with my pre and post workout shake, does it matter if I take them before or after the shake?

Second, should I take a serving of creatine everyday? So far I’ve only been taking some with my pre and post workout shake. Should I add some to one of my shakes during the day on off days as well?

And finally, what sort of post workout meals would you recommend? I take my serving of Surge and Grow! Whey along with my BCAA’s of course. But than after that what sort of food would be good to eat? What about pre workout? I try to eat foods with protein and carbs before and after a workout. I’m very skinny and lean already and if anything am trying to gain weight and size so no low carb diets for me!


You can take BCAAs anytime you’d like. If you’re going to throw them down Post, do it before your shake.

Creatine should be taken everyday. You want to have your body saturated, and doing it on occassion won’t cut it.

After my own PWO feeding, I’ll usually have a regular meal an hour later. As I train at night, I minimize carbs (even when not dieting). Usually I’ll have some sort of protein (bison, chicken, or talapia), and either a salad (or spinach salad) or raw veggies (usually brocoli).


[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
You can take BCAAs anytime you’d like. If you’re going to throw them down Post, do it before your shake.

Creatine should be taken everyday. You want to have your body saturated, and doing it on occassion won’t cut it.

After my own PWO feeding, I’ll usually have a regular meal an hour later. As I train at night, I minimize carbs (even when not dieting). Usually I’ll have some sort of protein (bison, chicken, or talapia), and either a salad (or spinach salad) or raw veggies (usually brocoli).


Stu said it right.

Holy crap, Stu! You’re pics are looking great!

[quote]The Mighty Stu wrote:
You can take BCAAs anytime you’d like. If you’re going to throw them down Post, do it before your shake.

Creatine should be taken everyday. You want to have your body saturated, and doing it on occassion won’t cut it.

After my own PWO feeding, I’ll usually have a regular meal an hour later. As I train at night, I minimize carbs (even when not dieting). Usually I’ll have some sort of protein (bison, chicken, or talapia), and either a salad (or spinach salad) or raw veggies (usually brocoli).


Stu said it right.

Holy crap, Stu! You’re pics are looking great!

Now that I know what to do its off to train! Thanks for clearing those up for me