Ok, the formula for calculating calorie expendature is:
(LBS/2.205)9.81(FT/3.2808)*(1/4.1868) = kcal
So that means if you squat 225 lbs and your range for this squat is about 2 ft and you knock out 5 reps, the required amout of calorie expendature is 701.93 kcals.
This doesn’t look exactly right to me though. If you do 5 sets then your knocking out 3509.67 kcals in squat work alone. Hell any given work out somebody can easily burn up 7000 - 8000 kcals in a sigle workout done with internsity. This means you should be able to consume a small farm worth of food daily and not gain any weight. So the question is: Is there a more accurate way to calculate calorie expendature from weight training? My guess is a good, high intesity workout leaving you drenched and exhuasted would burn maybe 1000 - 1200 kcals, not 7000 to 8000. Anyone?