For a long time this was a dream of mine. Unfortunately my wife’s grad school was taking too long and I started making too much money so it didn’t work out for me.
A friend of mine is a stay at home daddy and apparently it’s not working out for him. It seems to me he has turned to drinking. While I don’t know the full story, my only guess is he’s not happy doing what he’s doing.
I can’t imagine not being happy with such a life. Being a trophy husband would be enough of a career achievement for me and after a baby hits about 2 years old it seems like it would be a lot of fun.
What’s your take on it? Do any of you disrespect househusbands?
Not for me. If I catch a nasty bug and I’m sick for a few days, I can take 2, maybe 3 days tops of sitting at home watching reality court tv before I want gouge out my eyeballs with a soldering iron dipped in Red Hot.
[quote]CaliforniaLaw wrote:
Unless you have been gelded, you would not enjoy it.[/quote]
Going to have to agree with Cadlaw on this one.
I am college grad with a criminal record for possesion of mary jane which stops me from entering a new job as a manager despite my management background and years of experience.
My wife currently makes more than I do, and I work closer to home and work 1 hour less a day. While I have always done EVERYTHING at home: dishes, cooking, shopping, cleaning, mail, etc. The only thing she does is her own laundry and that is because she is picky about her delicate bullshit. I do the kids laundry, cooking, cleaning, shopping, every fucking thing!
I can tell you first hand I cannot deal with that shit. The only thing I have is the ability to crush anyone making more cash than me physically. In today’s legal world that carries as much verasity as shooting someone. Whoopie!! I carry guns which happen to be attached to my arms!! Does that stop law enforcement? Does it stop her from dining in Paris with Francouis for a weekend? Fuck no!
In short, I feel like I am less than a man and my wife will stray any day now. Just a matter of time, unless I start bringing home the Dollar signs again.
Am I going to pummel the man she chooses…hell fucking yea…is it going to make a bit of difference…hell fucking no.
This type of thing is dictated over and over in history. The man makes the money, or he looses. Simple as that.
The courts support the woman. The man has no options.
Being a single Dad let me tell you there is nothing harder than being a good parent. Granted I was never a “stay at home Dad”, I have always had a full time job, but taking care of little ones is about as tough as it gets.
I am a part time stay at home dad, doing it 2-3 days a week when im off work and the wife is working. During those days i look after my 10 month old son, im lucky as i train at home and manage to get a good workout in when he has his daytime naps.
The days i spend at home with my son are by far the best days of my life and i could easily do it every day.
There’s nothing wrong with it, and don’t let other people tell you what you’d like or dislike.
All I would do, personally, would be to make sure I get out enough, either with the kids, or when the wife comes home.
I think it’s all about balancing everything out in your life.
I could sit and do house work all day, watch a little TV and take care of my daughter, as long as I get some time to get away from the house once in a while.
I can spend hours at a park with my daughter just watching her have fun on slides and monkey bars.
I am a stay at home dad. My son is turning 4 soon. I sometimes feel worthless cause i don’t make any money. I have a degree in computers(biggest mistake of my life) and 6 year real work experience in the field and can’t find a job. It has been great for lifting cause I have a good basement setup(my son pretty much just plays air guitar to whatever I listen to while lifting) and I can eat at any time of the day. Stay at home dads are on a rapid increase according to census reports.
Very interesting topic! I don’t have kids but I can’t imagine being home with them all day, I would go crazy. A stay-at-home parent is probably the hardest job there is. I guess a good basement gym might make it work for me.
I ran into my childhood crush recently. She is married and has a stay at home husband taking care of their kids. It made me feel less bad about not making more money. lol
To partially answer your question, when I’m done with being in the AF, I suppose it wouldn’t be too bad to have a sugar mamma. I don’t want little hellions running around but if I landed the opportunity to play xbox, lift, and bike/ski/wakeboard all I wanted? Shit, I’d take it.
On a side note, I would like to actually achieve something in my life before I quit trying and become a stay at home ‘dad’. I guess that’s why I’m getting my MechE degree and doing the military thing.
[quote]analog_kid wrote:
Not for me. If I catch a nasty bug and I’m sick for a few days, I can take 2, maybe 3 days tops of sitting at home watching reality court tv before I want gouge out my eyeballs with a soldering iron dipped in Red Hot.[/quote]
If you’re watching daytime TV, then you’re not being an effective dad. A stay at home dad who does his job right won’t have time for day time TV.
I couldnt do it. I’ve got two kids and at times they drive me crazy. I sometimes think that having kids was a mistake for me, I’m just not wired to handle the stress of it. But you dont know until you try. Luckily my wife can handle it.
With that said being self employed I’m able to spend tons of time with my 4 year old son (I take him to work with me) and i wouldnt trade it for the world but when I need a break I need a break. Come to think of it its my daughter that gives me fits. We havent gotten along since the day she was born.
[quote]Rocky101 wrote:
I have a degree in computers(biggest mistake of my life) and 6 year real work experience in the field and can’t find a job.[/quote]
What kind of “degree in computers?” Where are you looking for work? The job market is very good right now.