
this may sound weird, but the wife wants me to ask anyways, lol. she was in an accident and damaged the inside of her legs. she thinks the doc (way back when it happened) called them contusions. her inner thighs have a puffy look in the damaged areas.

when she worked out by not targeting the area it seemed to dissappear, but now that she works out her legs more and more in that area it has seemed to come back. any ideas of what that might be or how to get rid of it???

i told ya it’s weird, lol. thanks for any help…

A contusion is a bruise.

Try rubbing icy-hot or sportscream into the areas as well as cyrotherapy(ice) if the ice makes the area hurt more than use heat on the area. I would also take Yunnan Baiyao capsules for a few days, but that’s me. I am not a doctor.

this has been for a few years. maybe it’s not contusions then, but it’s a raised like puffyness in this area. thank you…

How about adhesions?

They can occur after traumatic injury.

The usual treatment is myofacial release of some sort, like A.R.T.