Love your programming. I’ve got a couple books, Santa brought me a shirt, and I’m getting a NOV banner for my birthday.
I’ve got shoulder bursitis and any pressing in out (but it’s slowly healing). So, in looking for programs with less chest and upper body, I stumbled across the beach body challenge and I’m loving it. I have to skip the pressing motions and I had to substitute fat grip Australian rows for rope chins due to my bursistis, but I’m loving the extra squat volume and the hang cleans.
Now, I’m a weak man. I recently only squatted 300 pounds, but I’m noticing that my legs are getting stronger quickly! I recently squatted 270 x10 on this program.
My question, is there any reason to not just continue with this program past the 6 weeks as I am:
A.) Enjoying it.
B.) Getting stronger in the squat.
C.) Healing from a shoulder injury.
I believe I already know the answer, but am curious.
I guess a follow up question is, do you have another similar program for a guy in my position?