construction workers

A funny thing happened to me today

me and my girlfriend are together almost a year, and since we don’t fight, we dont utilize that wonderfull thing called make-up sex. so, since we finally had a big fight this morning we spent the next hour and a half doing just that.

All was going oh so well, when suddenly out of the bedroom window a shout came:

“Will you cum allready”?

Some construction workers from a nearby roof where realy feeling that the show they watched for the last hour and a half was just stretching needlessly and should be ended(a good ending ofcourse)

I closed the window.

I did cum

felt pretty wierd…


Well that was an interesting story.

So you couldn’t finish until some construction workers urged you on? Do we have some issues that we need to discuss? :slight_smile:

Hour and a half? What you could you possibly do with your dick for that amount of time?

Haha. Bitchin’

And thanks for sharing, tell him what he has won Johnnnneyyy!

I thought it was funny.
The way he said it and the situation.

I wasnt seeking commentary to my sex here(allready got the applause today).


WHEW…I need a cigarette. And I dont even smoke!

OMG, that’s good! I’ve had formal complaint notices from my landlords before (Keep your “intimate” noises down between the hours of 12midnight and 12noon) but never had someone interrupt the act to make a declaration like that.

Good job!

Did you be sure to take half a serving of Surge before and after??

why you little exhibitionist you.

I don’t blame the construction workers for their request; they do have work to do and all.