Construction Job

I asked this a while back but got few responses. I started a construction work job last week and was wondering what kind of diet, training, supliment plans I should think about to combat overtraining and possibly make some gains. I work 8-14 hour days in the hot sun. I use the word overtraining because what I do is pretty similar to some of coach davies methods like wheelbarrells w/ work boots (so I suppose I am getting some good from that also I lift a lot of heavy stone so I am ussually very sore from work alone. Please healp me with tips and suggestions. Thanks!!!

OK I am a HIT fan so I am biased but if you ever want to give it a fare shot now would be a good time! workout 2 days a week, split your body in half, keep atleast 2 days between workouts, after warmup do 1 set per ex. to failure, by only working each bodypart once each week you can probably do 2-3 exercises per bodypart (I do it a little diff. but if you are used to volume you probably feel better doing more than one exercise per bodypart, no warmup for the second or third ex. for a body part) give it a shot, what do you have to loose. p.s. IT WORKS

Do you guys think extra glutamine would be a good idea? I know coach davies is a big fan of it. Also sometimes like today I had to work straight through lunch and was unable to eat anything from about 10:30 to 4:00 when this happens should I just make my next meal twice as big?

Ideally you’d sip on a protein carbohydrate mixture througout the day…some good tasting whey protein mixed with ice cold water in a huge thermos would do for the protein…along with some extra BCAA’s and glutamine. For carbs maybe gatorade or whatever else you have available. I worked a job like this once and really made some good gains in strength/bodyweight…I think the key is eating big and getting enough sleep on your non-working days.

Would the Get Big Diet be good for something like this, or should I just eat aanything in sight? I start roofing in a couple days & I know I’ll have to eat more to stay the same size. How good were your gains in comparison with when you weren’t working like this?

Natey I dont know what diet will be right for you but whatever diet it is you should be eating and/or drinking about 1500 calories per day more then you are taking in now. During the time when I was doing construction I wasn’t workout out so I have nothing to compare my gains to. The work I was doing was absolutely brutal though…I was the only American on the crew and all I did was dig ditches, haul rocks, haul concrete and shovel concrete for 10-12 hours per day…In 6 weeks I gained about 15 lbs and got much stronger on everything