I’ve done my reading and don’t see anything like this so maybe it would be totally ineffective. Just thought I’d ask here and see if anyone has done anything similar.
I’m just an average 37 year old male. 6’0" tall, 180lbs, 10%BF. I have a problem with weakness due to multiple sclerosis and almost 3 years ago weighed 300lbs.
I’ve changed my physique through strict nutrition, lifting as heavy as I am able with reasonable volume. I’ve done various routines from PL type routines, max ot, and OLAD. I prefer max ot, but mix it up to keep things fresh. Right now I’m doing a 1 day on, 1 day off PL routine.
I also tend to do excessive cardio because I compete in triathalons (no they aren’t gay) but really love to lift.
My doc is a pretty cool gal and pretty much gives me whatever meds I want or need - which most of the time is nothing. When I got weak several months ago, she gave me 2 months on anavar 10mg BID to try to gain some strength back. It did nothing except make me feel 18 again. She told me that she would rather do something like test - transdermal.
If I’m going to use test, I’d rather at least let it support my athletic endeavors so here’s what I’m thinking.
Test Cyp only - 200mg/week for 10 weeks.
Nolvadex IF BT starts to develop.
After 10 weeks is over switch to new Biotest Alpha Male to keep any gains (if any happen).
You’re gonna need better PCT than Alpha Male. You should use the nolva for PCT and be using some adex during the cycle to prevent gyno. As far as dosage, I’ll let someone who knows their stuff better address that but I’m pretty sure that your dosage is too low; that it’s around where hrt would be and not enough for significant anabolism. Again, hopefully the more knowledgable guys will chime in. I’n far from an expert but thought I’d try to give a helping hand. good luck
[quote]Big Willie Style wrote:
You’re gonna need better PCT than Alpha Male. You should use the nolva for PCT and be using some adex during the cycle to prevent gyno. [/quote]
You almost certainly will not need anything to prevent gyno on 200mgs test/week. Use nolvadex starting @ 1 week after your last injection…
If you have access to anavar, by all means add it to your cycle…
Although 200 mgs test/week+ low dose of anavar is something that many on this board will scoff at, you should still notice signicant results, IMHO–and very few MDs will Rx more…
True, that dosage is small but I would rather put in the adex and have all my bases covered rather than being almost certain to not end up with gyno. Everyone responds differently so why take the chance? Also, I was saying to add in the adex as a prelude to what I assume others will say about upping the dosage. It’s my understanding, and the OP can correct me if I’m wrong, that he wants to start cycling test not as hrt but o enhance performance and put on some size. Therefore, I’m fairly confident that most vets will recommend a higher dosage. As for the anavar, good call, esp. if he can get a script and have it covered by insurance, though I don’t know if that’s possible.
200mg/wk of test cyp will almost certainly not require adex. If you want to have some on hand just in case of sore, itchy nipples, great.
IMHO, adex is strong stuff and is probably overused by many. A little bit goes a long way. For strength gains, you don’t want to completely eliminate estrogen, which adex does. Also, adex really does a number on your HDL/LDL ratios. I’ve had an HDL reading of 10 on adex.
Thanks for the info guys. HRT dosage is what I’m mostly interested in. With any added improvement in performance being a plus. If I can get back to the hormome profile I had when I was 18 or so - improvements would definitely happen. I have no interest in becoming huge or beastly, just better than I am. All the cardio I do would prevent monster gains anyway I think.
Yeah, my insurance pays for the meds. it paid for the anavar before - but it really seemed to be a waste of time. I felt younger but didn’t make ANY improvements in strength (the reason for taking it was to combat weakness).
I’m just doing research on injectables because I have doubts about the transdermal - what she prefers to prescribe. However, she will write whatever I need if I can show her information about the benefits. I’ve got some studies to share with her, but before going that route, I wanted to hear from some actual real people who’ve actually really used it.
One more thing - How long should nolva be used for PCT? After nolva, go back on test or just take some time off for a while?
[quote]vagrant wrote:
Yeah, my insurance pays for the meds. it paid for the anavar before - but it really seemed to be a waste of time. I felt younger but didn’t make ANY improvements in strength (the reason for taking it was to combat weakness).
10mg of any AAS is not going to have much effect on you. For Anavar, I’d recommend you take around 40-60mg ED. At that level you would see an increase in strength and improvements in vascularity.