Confusion Regarding Specialization

To gain inches on muscle you need to gain weight as this weight is the increase in muscle size…so When we switch to a specialization routine for a muscle group and we gain eg- an inch on our arm size and a few pounds of bodyweight so does that mean that all the gain in bodyweight is because our arms have become heavier(since the other muscles were at maintainence)? as opposed to normal split routines where all the muscles are equally emphasized and the gain in bodyweight occurs due to gains in all of them.

No. If you find a piece of meat at the supermarket weighing, as you specified, a few pounds, this is clearly more mass than one would be putting on the arms by adding an inch. At least where the arms are not utterly massive in the first place (adding an inch to 15" arms doesn’t involve as much new tissue as does adding an inch to say 20" arms.)

sorry i didn’t get you
so after the specialization routine that mass will be gained throughout the body or only on that bodypart…if on the whole body then what is the use of specialization?

In the specialization phase you’re overtraining the desired muscle for future accelerated growth. Once you “let it rest” (train as you were before the specialization) it’ll have more growth. Specialization has the advantage of improved neuromuscular patterns, which will make the future workouts more effective. Problems can be of muscle group dominance and muscle recruitment, so it goes further than just a weight/muscle mass/measures correlation.

If one gains weight during a specialization, ordinarily added muscle mass would only be or very principally be in the particular muscle groups that were specialized.

However if the specialization is something like deadlifts or squats, it could be over quite a lot of the body.

[quote]devil007 wrote:
To gain inches on muscle you need to gain weight as this weight is the increase in muscle size…so When we switch to a specialization routine for a muscle group and we gain eg- an inch on our arm size and a few pounds of bodyweight so does that mean that all the gain in bodyweight is because our arms have become heavier(since the other muscles were at maintainence)? as opposed to normal split routines where all the muscles are equally emphasized and the gain in bodyweight occurs due to gains in all of them.[/quote]

To an extent, yes. But like bill roberts said, If you specialize for your arms and add 1" to your arms and gain 10lbs, you didnt gain 10lbs in your arms. But in general, a specialization program will more growth in the targeted muscle(s) and maintanence in the rest of the body.

But it is also possible, that the rest of the body was being overtrained in the past and is now growing at a lower volume. And it is just as likely possible that you overdo the specialization and overtrain your targeted muscle. In this case you probably wouldn’t be adding any mass to your arms, and the weight gains would be elsewhere.

ok now i get it thanks all