The gym used to be my drug, I trained hard and read this forum everyday. I started using pills like most just on the weekends, but like everyone else that follows that downward spiral I soon started including coke and taking pills almost everyday. Get high or go to the gym, for awhile it was go to the gym, or get high and go to the gym, but as my â??diseaseâ?? progressed I began to choose drugs over training, when I did train it was not very intense and I was finding myself tired very easily.
Eventually I had to choose to either loose my wife, or check myself into a rehab. I made the right choice and entered an IOP program that has changed my life. Today I am celebrating 90 days sober.
I lost 8 lbs in the first 9 days alone from not drinking, and once again started using the gym as my outlet. I was lucky that I had trained enough during my addiction to not loose everything I had gained but today I am happy to report that my training is the best it has ever been, I am the strongest, and instead of being tired after 30 min, I can train like a beast for 90 and still feel like I have gas in my tank.
I am a nice 225 lbs now at 16% body fat, (I wont include any pictures holding a shoe), just under 6 foot, and I could not be happier. I once again am training with the enthusiasm I once had, and reading this forum everyday. So why am I posting this, and why would anyone careâ?
I guess I am posting this because I am proud of myself, and because I know there are other people that have addiction issues that might read this and if one person is inspired by my words then I will feel that I have given back like the people who help me have. Thanks T-Nation, you help keep my sober, training better and laughing.
As an after thought…perhaps I should change my handle