Compound Cream suddenly changed how I felt

LAST TEST RESULTS 200MG at 6 weeks Dec 13th

Albumin 49 g/L 35 - 50
Hb A1c (mmol/mol) 29 mMol/Mol <42
Cholesterol 3.66 mmol/L <5
Triglycerides 1.52 mmol/L <2.3
HDL Cholesterol 1.00 mmol/L 0.9 - 1.7
HDL % of Total * 27.19 % >20
LDL Cholesterol 1.97 mmol/L <3.0
Non HDL Cholesterol 2.67 mmol/L <4.0
Iron 27.4 umol/L 10 - 30
Ferritin 79.70 ug/L 30 - 442

Sex Hormone Binding Glob 18.1 nmol/L 18.3 - 54.1 L
Thyroid Stim. Hormone 1.370 mIU/L 0.270 - 4.2
Free T3 5.8 pmol/L 3.1 - 6.8
Testosterone 43.70 nmol/L 8.64 - 29 H
Free Testosterone 1.2735 nmol/L 0.198 - 0.619 H
Free Androgen Index 241.4 % 35 - 92.6 H
Free Thyroxine (FT4) 15.1 pmol/L 12 - 22
Follicle Stim. Hormone <0.3 IU/L 1.5 - 12.4 L
Luteinising Hormone <0.3 IU/L 1.7 - 8.6 L
17-Beta Oestradiol 243.0 pmol/L 41.4 - 159 H
Prolactin 334.0 mIU/L 86 - 324 H
Prostate Specific Ag (Total) 0.786 ug/L <2.6

Started off 200mg per day as transitioning from injections and was too much and then at 100mg/125mg libido felt really solid. Something happened over Xmas probably my application error or something I am not aware of but felt like it literally flat lined on all levels I was bed bound and depressed.

So go back to day 1 tactics, applying correctly and at 100mg/125mg felt bit better and normal, but no libido & ED and every morning waking up drenched in sweat. Normally my skin gets a bit oily but now it’s DRY! Testicles are hanging when they were consistently up before.
I don’t feel emotional or any water retention and my muscles ache in my back.

When I titrated up in 25mg increments towards 200mg I noticed less bed sweat, no muscle ache and I could get straight up at 6am but still no libido and ED.

I do notice that DHT boost as well, like the nervous system stimulation/norepinephrine but usually that came with the libido boost.
I have seen people saying they do not put all their cream on their testicles, so can either too high DHT kill libido or is it too high a conversion and an imbalance in DHT/T/E2?

I take Phenergan for sleep and saw they can potentially cause issues, this true?

Has anyone had this? Am I doing something seriously wrong? Is it some kind of like rebound or something. Genuinely lost with this and it’s now annoying me.

Thanks guys!

How long was it before your last injection and you first started cream?

Did you take labs at 100mg yet? You need to take labs before continuously changing protocols. Otherwise you’ll never know.

Hi, so i would of last had an injection about Nov 1st

I couldn’t stay on 100mg, even if i took more of my adhd meds i couldn’t keep my eyes open even after 4 days, and i’ve seen a lot of people say you will know after a couple days on a cream dose.

And you first day of cream was?

about 4th Nov

There’s your issue. You felt fine at first because you had T Cyp in your system from injections for 4-5 weeks. It takes that long to clear. You may never have actually felt well on creams.