Can HCG Destroy Healthy Sex Drive on TRT?

Simply because of it’s intratesticular ESTROGEN. We know Arimidex or A.I Won’t lower it there, so i am prescribed by my doctor to take it every 4 days constantly while i am on T.R.T if i can’t Lower intratesticular estrogen at all by no means? does that mean the estrogen in Testes diminish the libido or something? or not at all?

Not certain here but I believe like anything it would be done dependant. What dose does he have you taking every 4 days? I would think if it’s not a high dose you would not have to worry about estrogen in the testes.
Curious, did he mention how long the hcg is good for if kept refrigerated?

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500 IU, so total 1000IU per every week. So not exaggerated Amounts of HCG, total 1000 weekly, to keep my LeyDig cells switched on always, and LH Signaling in check. If he told me 4,000 per week i know from common knowledge that’s insane. i am with Private paid Clinic so got more experience, what do you think though too or 500IU twice will cause too much E2 increase? bro or nah?

@everest @systemlord @KSman

The recommended amount of HCG on this site is 250IU EOD. So 1000IU is right in the wheel house. I suppose there is a possibility from less injections and higher dose at injection that it could cause a little more estrogen then the other protocol but honestly I wouldn’t think it would be enough to worry about or have any kind of negative effect.

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What do you think KSman would say or Systemlord, they both Exemplary members on here.

Just wondering, i don’t fancy any Huge Estrogen spike’s as i am doing fine so far, my T.R,T protocol is the Compounded Testosterone cream not Gel. as my first T.R.T protocol i only started 1 month & half ago 6 weeks about almost.

honestly brother my LIBIDO sex drive has been great compared to pre-TRT i barely use an A.I in whole 6 weeks, and i rub my TEST cream where it works best on testes/scotrum area completely into there. until it’s disappeared. i ain’t had blood yet but i am due now already for 6 weeks blood work, i am very EAGER to know what my Test,Estrogen & especially SHBG is!

I think the Testosterone cream" helps libido more i believe as it’s DHT increase plays factor on sex drive. I do WANT & will like try good old Fashioned injections :slight_smile: maybe if my blood work is not optimal, also i definitely still lacking lots of Motivation & my Strength isn’t to what it was before i had my Testes injury. I hope 2 months in it is, i will give the cream another month or so i might.


There’s also a study showing increased muscle mass on injections vs tropicals. My DHT becomes a problem after going past 800 ng/dL, so I have no shortage of DHT.

Intramuscular TRT is more effective than transdermal formulations at increasing LBM and improving muscle strength in middle-aged and older men, particularly in the lower extremities.
Muscular responses to testosterone replacement vary by administration route: a systematic review and meta-analysis - PubMed

You now have his attention, but like I stated before I do not believe 1000iu per week divided into 2 injections is large enough to make an estrogen spike worrisome. You will need to give it time to start feeling the effects, increased strength, better libido, etc. Everyone is different but I would say after a couple months you’ll be feeling it more.

Did your arms gain 3 inches on PURE shots of T? Did you first break out in a Muscle Bound Husk? lol Haha some comical, but on a Serious Note did it work better out for you and did u ever personally try the Testosterone cream and compare it’s comparisons for the Better personal experience of both???


I was serious contemplating Sustanon 250 and i still have some here in my Bedroom drawer Systemlord about 7 ampoules* unfortunately Prescribed TEST E in U.K pain to get. Although thought i give Compounded Cream benefit of the doubt, unfortunately it gives me only LIBIDO boost (bedroom), no MENTAL drive or stronger lifting??? been on it almost 2 months now 6 week.

Personal note i have been Prescribed Sustanon too i have it as backup, but i prefer ENANTHATE lots more the clinic said is more expensive lots more or some junk, harder to get in U.K i presume man.

I actually didn’t respond to gels unless I used both the androgel and axiron together, indicating poor absorption. One minute I had muscle atrophy and the energy of a 90 year old, a few hours later unlimited energy.

I remember penile sensitivity was insane during this 4 hours.

LONG STORY Short, let’s cut too the chase brother, did the Good old fashioned TEST injections, make you feel more ALIVE Manly for sure?

I mean proper VIGOR & Vitality overall being in mind & body.


Not gonna lie at all, been being on 10% Compounded cream, i have rebounded too, few times to some of my PRE-TRT symptoms, i think of may already build up a tolerance/resistance to it. otherwise why would i have Rebound symptoms?? In other words, i don’t think TEST cream is the bee’s knee’s. had some FEW Muscle toning, it’s not like i actually gained muscle i can definitely vouch of 6 weeks, even applying 3 full clicks a day on more than 1 occasion.

Injections require more tuning for some guys, getting to the range where you respond is critical. I’m 7 weeks into a new injection protocol, 20mg EOD, anastrozole .03125 EOD. Only changed to a reduced AI dosage Sunday and am already feeling better for it, had a rebound yesterday do to reducing the AI dosage, body quickly adjusts to the AI since a steady state is achieved in 10 days.

On this protocol muscles are as if I had be lifting weights everyday, without actually lifting any weights. I’m at the tail end of a chronic cough which requires rest.

I would love nothing more than to hit the gym and get ripped.

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What do you think of TEST CREAM 10% applied up too 3 times a day in my personal experience, only offering MUSCLE Toning i would rather the MASS than toning part though it’s not too enjoyable overall. I have one small worry about Injections but if i right dose i would be fine is my HEMATOCRIT on cream didn’t increase much at all. maybe because i didn’t respond as well as i hoped at all? or maybe because i was too CATABOLIC before going on T.R.T.

One thing i know for sure is that shots/injections stay in your body 5-7 days where any cream is maximum 24 hours or so. But any man case it’s proven it increase HCT but that isn’t a problem long as it don’t up too much too quick. with right protocol that unlikely right System?


I’m on a cream also, about 4 weeks now. My doctor warned me that I may feel great for a couple days then may feel right back where I was like you have said you have. And I did also, had two days felt on top of the world then energy went back down, libido is still there though. I wouldn’t worry about building a tolerance to it just yet, as more than likely you had a boost on your levels from where you were with the cream giving you higher levels then before. Now your own system is shutting down or is shut down so you do not have that compounding effect and have lower levels again. Get your bloods back adjust dosage if needed (which I would think you would) than bloods again and adjust until dialed. Its if you get to a good level and then can’t maintain it with the same dosages and have to constantly increase that I would worry about building a tolerance to it personally. Just my 2 cents. Good luck.

Edit: I just got my blood results back and only increased from 307 to 403 so will be making dosage adjustment and prescribed an AI.

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I like to add i barely touched any HCG in 6 weeks of my protocol, so HCG can increase Testosterone by maximum of 25% from it’s LH mimicking i believe about 25% my figure could be off but we all know it helps add more Test i ain’t sure how much.

So when i add tomorrow now this HCG therapy, i will give it 2 more weeks, of 2-3 full Clicks cream a Day with HCG if i don’t feel great overall in Strength & Mental well being. I can ask my Doctor politely if he can consider T-Enanthate, it’s private costs, so will be paying out of pocket still for everything. I believe Test Enanthate will make a BIG BIG difference to how i feel brother. Also are you Prescribed the 10% strength Compounded Test cream?? & also did you apply it to Testicles region? twice a day Morning wake up & before sleep ?? Just curious because twice daily is important & proper protocol if you feel CRAPPY on 2 clicks per day then you will need 3 FULL clicks a day is best. Also i can only Think HCG is Definitely Needed
once natural supply goes Offline.

Yeah 10%, I was doing 5 clicks morning only. Doubling up though now with results to 10. Probably split 5 morning 5 afternoon. Doc recommended keeping it earlier so as not to interfere with sleep. When my cream is gone he is going to up the percentage though as he likes to keep people at around 5 clicks.

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Rise80 Bro are you talking about 5 complete FULL clicks??? and i assume also it’s 10% strength you’re on at the moment. @rise80

If anything I find hcg boosts my libido and overall sense of well being while on trt. I do 500iu eod.

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CrushCity1 when you first did HCG was it Weird Experience for u? or did u enjoy it? was you uncomfortable at all, or didn’t mind injecting it straight away to find out, what happens with your T and libido? Also was it a Mental RUSH at all first time or Not so much? @CrushCity1

No I was not nervous. When my protocol was test injections every 3.5 days and hcg once then twice weekly I’d notice increased sex drive (libido) the day of and after hcg injection.

Hcg does cause some test release but it’s no rush or anything. If you are expecting any “rush” from hcg or even injectable trt you are looking to far into it. You want to be assessing how you feel, energy levels, erections, libido, wrk outs over time not over 1 day.

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